Chapter 0.2

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Kaspu laid in her bed, staring at the chandelier above the white silken sheets.

She didn't feel motivated enough to get out of the bed, let alone start her day.

If only I could stay here forever... And not have to face the world.

She finally got up when she heard a familiar voice.

"Wake up Kaspu, the Boss wants you at breakfast." Sol said, knocking on the door.

"Mmmhm..." She said, trying to sound as sleepy as possible.

After a couple of seconds, Kaspu rolled out of bed and landed on the floor face first.

"Kaspu? Are you okay?" Sol asked, his voice laced with concern.

"I'm fine... Just gimme a sec." She said, stumbling to her feet.

Kaspu brushed her hair and tied it up, then she finished up her morning skincare routine and put on her usual outfit.

When she finally came out of the room, she saw Sol, who had his eyebrow slightly raised.

Sol looked up and down at her clothes. "You're wearing that outfit again? You've been wearing that since we first met... Which was almost month ago." He trialed off at the last sentence.

Kaspu shrugged. "It makes me easier to identify, and plus I don't need to make decisions!" She proclaimed, holding her fist to her chest.

Sol just sighed, before motioning her to walk ahead of him. "C'mon now, the Boss wants to see you at breakfast." He said, walking behind Kaspu.

Kaspu groaned. "Why? We're not even gonna do anything..." She muttered, her footsteps muffled by the red carpet on the ground.

Sol just shrugged. "He probably just wants some "bonding" time." He said, stretching his arms as he walked.

I don't blame him, his daughter seems really distant.

Kaspu and Sol arrived at the dining room, with a long table filled with food, separating Kaspu and the Boss.

The Boss smiled and tilted their head. "Why hello Calico. Did you sleep well?" They asked, twirling around the glass of water in his hands.

Rolling her eyes, Kaspu responded. "Slept just as well as you imagined." She muttered, taking a seat at the other end of the dining table.

"Ah, so not well." The Boss said, placing their handkerchief on their lap.

Copying him, Kaspu put her own handkerchief on her lap. "Yeah, and I'd be sleeping better if-"

The Boss held up their hand. "Ah, ah, ah... Don't you remember what happened the last time?" They asked, taking a sip from their cup.

Confused, Sol looked to Kaspu. "What happened last time?" He asked, wondering if it was important.

Kaspu waved her hand. "I used to do like... 2 hours of yoga before going to sleep, but then the instructor turned out to be an assassin and... Considering that I'm still alive, you can guess what happened to them." She said yawning.

Sol slightly gagged at the implications. "So... You don't take yoga anymore?" He asked, trying to move the topic elsewhere.

"No shi-" Kaspu quickly cut herself off when she glanced at the Boss. Who was smiling at her explanation.  "*ahem*.  No duh."

The Boss smiled. "So Calico, I found this game called... Soukoku? I would like if you played it with me." They said.

Kaspu's face twisted. "What the hell is a soukoku?" She asked, looking to Sol.

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