Chapter 0.3

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TW: Mentions of suicide attempts

Sol walked into the Boss's room. "Hey, I'm back." He said, slightly waving.

The Boss turned around in their seat. "Why hello there Sol. How was your trip?" They asked, resting their head on his arms.

"It was fine." Sol responded, preparing to leave the room, his job here was done.

The Boss's voice interrupted him. "Ah, ah. Stay a little longer." The Boss said, motioning to a chair nearby.

Sol hesitantly went over to sit at the chair. "Why is that?"

"Well... We just haven't talked much. And since you're one of my employee's I want to make sure that all your questions or concerns are answered." The Boss explained, leaning a little closer to Sol.

Sol slightly leaned back. "And why is that? From what I've learned, you're someone who doesn't engage anything that doesn't benefit you."

The Boss smirked. "You know a lot about me, and that's correct. But I also engage with things that interest me. And you happen to meet that criteria." The Boss said, slightly tilting their head onto their hand.

Taking a moment to try to understand the meaning behind the Boss's words, Sol paused. "I'm... Interested in women." He said, leaning further back.

The Boss stoop up from their chair, leaning over the desk to get closer to Sol. "Oh? Who said I was a man?~"

"What the fu-"

The Boss put their finger Sol's lips moving closer to him. "Language now~" They breathily said, their eyes half lidded.

Sol gulped as he looked at the Boss's red lips, centimeters away from his. And then to their dark eyes, which didn't have a speck of light in them, telling of the Boss's past.

Oh... I might be interested in tomboys now...

A beat of awkward silence passed in the room, before the Boss let out a laugh.

"No need to worry! I don't understand the concept of gender or love, why let your bias's hold someone up or down?" They said, returning back to their seat.

Sol held his chest and let out a deep breath. "Oh... Ahem, well why are you so interested in me?" He asked, attempting to regain his composure. 

"Well for one, you have zero friends outside of Calico." The Boss said.

They really didn't sugarcoat it... Do they like pathetic guys or something...?

Sol slightly recoiled. "Why... Why does that make me interesting?" He managed to stutter out.

"Well usually in the mafia, people tend to network with others, gain allies to support them in getting a higher position." The Boss explained, making direct eye contact with Sol.

Well I'm not gonna be around for long, so I didn't really see a reason to become friends with someone... This could've blown my cover though.

"Oh... Well I was never really taught how to make friends... And I'm afraid I'll mess it up..." Sol said sheepishly. This wasn't a full lie though, back at his real job, he was also a loner.

The Boss smirked. "Well... I'll see what I can do about that. We're still a pretty small organization that came into power less then 2 years ago... So we have to make sure that out employees are happy." They said while crossing their legs.

Sol tilted his head. "Really? You guys seemed pretty big for a "small organization" though..."

The Boss put their finger to their lips. "We actually gained our power via a rebellion. I managed to create a drug that was highly addictive, gave it to the people in power back at the old mafia, and then took it away." They said while smirking.

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