02 | Literally Packing For Hell

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"My mom keeps telling me how its such a 'great opportunity'. If only she knew!" Ellie giggled over the phone that night.

I grinned.

"Wanna come over? Casey said she'd come too," I told her.

"No Jim?"

"He can't. Swim training or whatever,"

"Yeah, sure. What time do you want me to come? My parents are going out anyway so it doesn't really matter,"

"You can come now if you want, I'm so bored,"

She giggled.

"Okay. I'll be over in ten,"

"See ya then,"

The line cut and I placed the phone back in it's cradle.

Casey would be over soon too, so I didn't have a whole lot of time to start on my biology homework.

Oh well, may as well give a try, I thought to myself.

"Polymers are built from smaller subunits called..." I muttered to myself, as if asking the question aloud would manifest my knowledge of the answer.

"Hey!" a voice spoke from behind me and I spun around in my chair to face Casey.

"Hi. You've saved me from the wrath of biology homework," I joked and she grinned, then paled.

"We have homework? Ugh," she groaned.

I laughed.

"You can copy mine once its done but that could be a while,"

Ellie stuck her head around the corner of my room and I grinned.

"No way that was ten minutes,"

She laughed.

"I ended up riding here. Couldn't be bothered walking," she said with a smile.

I laughed too.

"Don't let Charles see you doing that,"

Ellie rolled her eyes and all three of us grinned.

"You shouldn't ride a bike at night- its easy prey for a vampire," I said, imitating Charles and we all laughed.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" Casey asked.

"Preferably not biology homework," I said with a gesture to my desk. "I was hoping you guys could help me pack,"

They nodded and I smiled widely.

"Great! You guys are the best. Let me go grab my suitcase- I think my dad knows where it is," I told them, walking out of my bedroom.

"Dad?" I called, walking downstairs.

He was in the living room, reading.

"Dad do you know where my suitcase is? I need it for the, um, field trip,"

My dad looked up and nodded.

"Sure. Your mother used to keep it in the cupboard next to the bathroom," he told me, leading us upstairs again.

He opened the cupboard and a pile of miscellaneous items fell out, revealing a battered black suitcase with stickers plastered all over it.

"Thanks. I'll clean this up don't worry," I said and my father nodded his thanks, walking downstairs.

Dragging the suitcase into my bedroom, I laid it down in the middle of my floor.

"Okay. What do we need for a week of vamp slaying?"

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