13 | Like She-Ra, But Korean

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"Ugh! This is taking forever! I swear I've been looking for one sentence for the last two days!" Casey complained.

"Three," Ellie corrected and Casey groaned.

"Even. Worse,"

"Surely we've looked in every book by now?" I asked Mr. Giles who shook his head gravely in response.

It was Tuesday and the six of us had been searching for answers as to when the Hellmouth was going to open for the last three days.

Today had proven just as useless as yesterday, though I suppose some of yesterday's failure could be blamed on the amount of time Jim and I spent together behind the bookshelves.

Even that sentence makes me grin.

"How many books do you own? Like seriously, you think you would have bought out all of America by now," Casey spoke and Mr. Giles laughed slightly.

"Hardly. Actually most of these books are from back home in London. Some of them are international. Like this one see here how-"

I cleared my throat with a pointed look and he looked away, nodding.

"Right, uh, my foreign books do not excite the likes of you,"

We grinned.

"You said it not us," I teased and he rolled his eyes lightly.

Charles sighed and placed down the book he was looking through.

"Nothing?" Ellie asked and he shook his head.

"No. Not a word even mentioning the Hellmouth," he replied and we all sighed heavily.

"We're losing time," Mr. Giles spoke.

"Anyone else vote we just do the spell?" Casey asked hopefully.

"I think the spell will be most effective if we do it on the day of the Master's attempt to rise. Besides, it'll give us more time," Ellis said.

"More book searching then. Yippee," Casey replied sarcastically.

"Maybe we should go back to your apartment. There's more books there right?" I asked Mr. Giles.

"Ah...yes. But I doubt those from my personal collection will be much use in our, uh, situation,"

"How come?" Jim asked, joining the conversation.

"They don't contain any mentions of Sunnydale," he responded simply.

"Oh," I said and the other teenagers laughed.

"I bet the next Slayer doesn't have to deal with any of this book stuff. She's probably some...Korean warrior princess girl!" Casey spoke.

"Like She-Ra?" Ellie asked and Casey grinned.

"Yeah! Except Korean,"

"Why Korean?" Jim asked, trying not to laugh.

"Because why not? God, why is race so important to you people?" she asked and we all laughed.

Casey rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. But like I'm serious! Some of these Slayers have no idea how easy they've got it,"

"Yeah I'm sure being a Slayer in the French Revolution was miles easier than looking through books all day in an air conditioned library," Ellie replied and I snorted softly.

"No, I mean the future Slayers. The next generation!" Casey said and I shrugged.

"I don't know I mean who even knows what the future's gonna look like? Maybe there'll be a third world war!"

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