08 | Slayer Or Not, You're Still Sixteen

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"I don't think we can know for certain, but I do believe this is a clear indication that the Hellmouth's opening is close, if not directly underneath our feet," Mr. Giles spoke, the entire group now in the library.

Ellie and Jim were fine, but it had quite clearly freaked them out and Charles and Mr. Giles had been debating each other for the past hour and a half on whether it was fully determinable if the opening to the Hellmouth was here, in this library.

"So what does that mean for us? What exactly is trying to open the Hellmouth and how long do you think we have?" I asked.

Charles and Mr. Giles shared a look.

"It's...it's the Master," Mr. Giles spoke after a moment.

"And we don't know how long, exactly we have until he attempts to do this but Summer-"

I shook my head, looking up at the both of them.

"I am going to stop this. I don't care if it kills me or not, I am going to stop this. Now tell me what I need to do," I snapped, sudden anger pulsing through me.

"Let's all just take a breath okay?" Casey spoke, eyebrows raised.

I sighed, throwing my hands up in the air as a gesture of 'taking a breath'.

Casey was right...but I was stubborn.

"You don't want people to be in danger, I understand and that's a very noble action but-"

"Its not 'noble' its my job! I'm the Slayer. In every generation there is a chosen one? Ringing any bells?" I asked, interrupting Mr. Giles' words.

"I know. But we would still prefer you alive and you can't help people if you die at the hands of the Master!" he replied, raising his voice.

"And you can't kill the Master," Charles added quietly.

I whipped my head around to look at him.

"Why not?"

"Because the only way you would fight him is if he is risen and believe me when I tell you this, he will kill you. He is stronger than you, Summer. If we want to stop this, and save lives in the process, we have to stop the Hellmouth from opening,"

"And how do we do that?" I asked, my voice calmer now.

"That's what we're trying to figure out," Mr. Giles said and I sighed.

"Summer why don't you take a break. We can handle this for a little while," Jim spoke.

"No, its fine. I'm fine...just on edge I guess," I muttered but I knew that Jim could see right through me.

"Go. I'll come find you if anything happens I promise," he said and I smiled a little.

"Okay. Thank you,"

He smiled back, kindness in his eyes.

"No problem,"

And so I left the library and it's promise of chaos behind me; walking the halls of the school until I found myself outside in the building's large courtyard.

I took a seat on one of the benches and for the first time since arriving in Sunnydale I let myself feel everything.

All the emotions that had been swirling through me that I hadn't properly addressed.

And once I did all I felt was alone.

But I guess that's part of being the Slayer, just like Charles always says.

One girl in all the world.

And for some reason...that was me.

I sat there for what felt like a decade, tears rolling down my cheeks.

I was sixteen years old- two years away from what was seen as an accomplishment as a Slayer.

Living to eighteen was impressive.

But would that be me?

Or would the Master rise and a new Slayer called to take my place?

"Hey," a voice spoke, interrupting my misery.

I looked up to see Jim, walking towards me.

"Hey! Do you have information or...or anything?" I asked, wiping the tears from my cheeks and hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Not...not really. But I was worried about you," he murmured and I stood to face him.

"I...I'm fine," I whispered but he shook his head.

"No you're not. And don't try and lie and say you are because you aren't. I've known you for nearly twelve years Summer. Just talk to me,"

I sighed and began to walk, gesturing that he follow me.

"It's just...when I die...there's going to be another Slayer. And even if I stop the world from ending, there's only a few people that'll ever know it happened. That I was the one who saved them. And its not that I care about the credit or...or anything like that! Its just...people will forget about me. I'll have done everything and nobody will even remember my name!" I said, knowing how self centred the words made me sound.

Jim sighed.

"Summer...you will never be forgotten. You're an amazing person, Slayer or not. And if I ever live to meet the next Slayer I'll make sure she knows just how high you raised the bar,"

I laughed a little.

"I don't even know if I'll be able to stop this Jim,"

"If anyone can, it's you," he said, smiling back at me.

"I hope so. I really hope so,"

The two of us walked through the school; the sky above us melting away into dusk.

"What do you think the next Slayer will be like?" I asked suddenly and Jim looked at me, surprised.

"I think she'll be brave. And stupid," he replied with a grin and I laughed.

"Is that a hint?"

"All teenagers are stupid, that's just a fact. Doesn't matter whether you're a Slayer or not- you're still sixteen,"

I thought about his words for a second and realised he was right.

"Yeah...I guess you're right," I said and he shrugged.

"But I don't know. Maybe her name will be Christina and she'll be some cute girl that's super religious so instead of patrolling she tries to exorcise the evil out of a vampire and ends up being killed the day she's called,"

I couldn't help but laugh; my head resting on his shoulder as we walked.

"Maybe. Do you think she'll come here too? Do you think she'll stand where we're standing right now?" I asked, suddenly fascinated with the idea.

Jim smiled.

"Maybe. But think about all the other people that have stood where we're standing. That will someday," he murmured.

"Yeah. Like that red-headed girl from the playground," I said quietly.

"Yeah. I wonder who she is," Jim said with a smile and I nodded, smiling too.

"Maybe she's Christina,"

Jim and I exchanged a look before bursting into laughter.

That was the thing about Jim; no matter what he could always make me laugh.

He knew me better than I knew myself.

And that was why I loved him.

(A/N: Awwwwww 😭 Lackson is making me even more aww-y than Bangel and Twillow and I wrote these two characters 😭 Stay safe and totally tubular and I'll see you in the next one xx)

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