14 | The One Where Casey Saves The Day

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(A/N: Yep this is a F.R.I.E.N.D.S reference 😉)

"What time is it?" Ellie asked for what had to be the fifteenth time this morning.

"Same time as it was ten seconds ago," Jim grumbled back and she sighed.

"Sorry. I'm just nervous," she spoke and he nodded.

"I know. But the Master isn't supposed to rise until tomorrow. We just need to figure out what time is best to cast the spell,"

"Which we still haven't done," she replied, collapsing into the chair beside me.

"Somebody needs to get these children in line!" Casey interrupted, walking through the entrance of the library.

"Oh, Casey, you're here. Could you perhaps help the others with searching?" Mr. Giles asked.

"No! I'm not looking through another dusty old book until my problem is addressed!" she cried and I raised an eyebrow. (A/N: It's giving 'Hello? Can somebody acknowledge my pain here?!" I think I misquoted but yk what Im saying lol)

"What's going on?"

"The audacity of these children is insane! I was walking down the street from the coffee shop, minding my own business and this toddler glared at me! Like, she thinks she's so much better than me!" Casey squawked and I stifled laughter. (A/N: Yes, the kid is 100 % intended to be a four year old Cordelia Chase)

Jim looked up with sudden interest.

"Toddler? Was it that girl from the playground?"

Casey rolled her eyes.

"Ugh no. Why are you people so obsessed with her anyway? No this was some other one. They're all children to me. Stupid tiny things," she complained. (A/N: Anyone else getting Anya vibes? Lmao)

"You're gonna make a great mother one day," I remarked and she rolled her eyes again, this time at me.

"Why is nobody taking this seriously!" she spoke and I grinned.

"Sucks to be you?" I offered.

"Casey I have to admit we do have bigger problems right now than a four year old child who may or may not have looked at you funny," Charles said.

"Ugh. More demons?"

"Not quite. Hellmouth spells," I replied.

"Didn't I find one of those already? Wasn't I like...the saviour?"

"We're looking for any indication of when the counter spell should be cast," Ellie explained, not looking up from the book she was reading.

"666 right?" Casey asked and we all glanced up.

"The number of the beast. Why didn't I think of that!" Ellie cried and Casey stared back at her, clearly confused.

"It said it in the book. The book that I found," she said pointedly.

But neither Ellie or Jim was listening.

"The sixth minute of the sixth hour of the sixth day," Jim muttered, half to himself and half to Ellie.

"6:06 tomorrow!" Ellie exclaimed.

"Am or pm?" I asked and Ellie and Jim exchanged a look. 

"Sixth hour would be am, but demons usually work under darkness. My bet is that the Master takes the safe route," Jim replied.

"You found it?" Charles asked, glancing over at us and the two witches nodded, grinning.

"Um, excuse me? Can I have a little credit?" Casey asked and Ellie laughed, hugging her.

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