17 | There's Another Girl Out There Who'll Be Able To Do It Too Someday

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"I guess we should go inside," Jim murmured after a long moment, us six huddled together outside of Sunnydale High.

"Yeah," I agreed quietly, slowly pulling away from the embrace.

"Is it bad?" Ellie asked and I grimaced in response, leading everybody inside of the large building.

"But it's dead right? The giant octopus thing?" Casey asked.

I laughed softly before opening the door to the library.

"Yep, dead as it gets,"

The room wasn't as bad as I knew it could have been, but it was still far from a pretty sight.

There were pieces of tentacle covering the floorspace and I was beginning to miss the days that it was books in their place.

"Ew! We have to pick it up?" Casey complained.

"Yeah. And as soon as we have we need to burn it," I replied.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Charles asked and I nodded.

"Yeah. We don't want it coming back to life,"

"Yes of course, but perhaps fire is not the optimal way to do such a thing. Many demons and so forth thrive when put into contact with flames. It may counter our will," he spoke and I thought for a moment.

"Right. Fire bad. How about we bury them?" I asked, my brain spinning with tiredness. (A/N: Im getting myself excited over all my little references help somebody save me from myself 🤣😭)

"That's a good plan. But don't you worry about that. You've done more than enough to help out tonight. In fact, why don't I drive you home right now?" Charles suggested and I smiled.

"No way. Helping's kinda part of the job description in case you haven't noticed," I said and he smiled back.

"Well then, you must be exceptional at your job,"

I looked in his eyes, noticing they were brimming with tears.

"You're crying," I stated curiously and he shook it off, laughing softly.

"Well, uh, yes. I'm very proud of you Summer,"

I reached forward, pulling him into a hug.

"Thanks. It wasn't as hard as it looked though," I responded.

"There's no need for modesty here. You've done an excellent job, better than anybody else alive could,"

I grinned back at him.

"Well maybe not right now. But I'm sure there's another girl, out there who'll be able to do it too someday,"

"Not like you," Charles replied and I pulled out of the embrace, smiling up at him.

Tears were brimming in my own eyes now and I could tell that he had noticed.

"Thank you," I murmured.

"Whatever for? This was all you, Summer. I had no part in it whatsoever, not in the battle. Not in what counts," he spoke.

I shook my head.

"That's not true. And I'm saying thank you for being here. For being my Watcher. For telling me that I'm doing something stupid before I actually do something stupid. I'd be dead without you Charles,"

"Summer, I will always be here for you. And believe me, there have been times where I've thought that I was sending you to your death. But you always come back, alive and sarcastic," he spoke.

I couldn't help but laugh at that one.

"Yeah well. I'll always be here for aliveness and sarcasm. That's kinda my thing,"

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