Chapter 5: burn notice

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Where is your Heart At?

Chapter 5

Burn notice

"John!?" He heard his name, he knew that voice. Mary was calling him, maybe she needed something again. She was heavily pregnant after all. Maybe...why was he so hot? He ran his fingers over his brow. Wasn't it Autumn? It shouldn't have been that hot.

He opened his bedroom door and looked outside the door only to see the flames licking the ceiling. He jumped back slamming the door closed and picked up the blanket and turned around.

"Penny?" He looked over at the cot in the corner. The infant was gone...wait...wasn't his sister pregnant with her? Wait...but then why was he looking for the infant?

"John!" He ran over to the window and looked outside the window and saw his sister down below. She had a flower crown in her hair and a small dog barking around her ankles.

"Mary, just stay there, I'll climb down the water shoot." He opened the window. Stretching out his limbs he latched onto the water shoot...but then again he could have just used the limbs to climb down too...oh well.

A loud groan echoed in the air and the gutter unlatched from the roof and the shoot fell.

Gadget jumped and looked around the room. The room was full of smoke, so there really was a fire.

"Penny!" Oh his head hurt. His fever wasn't any better if anything it was likely worse. He stopped up and walked over to the stairs.

He heard coughing. He ran into the room using his finger fire extinguisher to blow out the majority of the flames. He spotted Ren laying on the ground. Glass lay around her head and a half broken bottle lay feet away.

"Ren!" Gadget picked her up and looked around. The bed was empty and there was no crying infant. "Where's Penny?" He asked as he lay her down outside the door.

To Ren it was just too hard to really think about anything. It took her a second before she felt a light shove. "Hum?"

"Penny, where's Penny?" Gadget didn't wait around to listen to the woman as she thought about her answer. Actually in Ren's exhausted state of mind she was sure she already answered him.

She felt someone's hands on her shoulders again. She risked a small peak and she saw the bright red and blue lights above her...oh not again...panic. She turned over without another thought. She almost ran into the building for her own kids only to run right into Gadget who put his arms around her. The tears ran down her face, and at first Gadget wasn't sure why. But having been involved in the same accident as she was, he knew.

" ones in there. I closed off the danger room. Everythings fine." Realization clicked into Rens head and she put her cheek against Gadgets shoulder.

"They took her...three men with MAD symbols on their arms." Ren gasped as she felt Gadget pick her up and walk her over to a gurney. He sat her down, a nurse pulled her back into a seating position so she could see her head.

"Oh yeah you have a nasty split and its still got glass in it. Come on Tony, let's get her to the hospital."

Ren leaned forward grabbing Gadgets coat and pointing almost savagely to his forehead.

"I have no way of saving you this time, you're going to need a way to protect yourself...get a weapon" She gulped and pointed toward a spot in the woods. "Your sister...made a lot with me."

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