Chapter 10: Warehouse

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Where is your heart at?

Chapter 10


Oh Ren's head hurt like hell. She sat up and looked around the medical ward as the red lights flashed and the alarm across the street began to sound off like a tornado siren.

"What's going on?" She held her head as she limped over to the window. She looked down below as she spotted Claw agents running bags of money into an armored car.

Yup, this wasn't cool, this was horrible.

The lights above her began to flicker and went out. She could hear the screams of the people beyond the doors. She wanted so much to run after the agents, but she had a job to do. If the power went out people would die in the hospital. She ran out the door and squinted at the nurse behind the desk as she madly tapped at the computer.

"Why aren't the generators coming online?" She asked. The woman shook her head.

"That was the generators. I don't know why they aren't staying on but they're fluctuating." As she said this the generators came back on.

"Show me where they are." Ren said as she fished her glasses from her pocket. She was blind without them.


Gadget had driven for four hours before he finally parked in front of what looked like a huge warehouse. Brick and mortar building, with an old barely hanging on roof. The windows seemed to have all been knocked out by random people and the door itself had been kicked in. One side of the warehouse looked to have caught fire near the back corner near what looked like a heater. Probably why it was abandoned now.

He pulled the tip of his finger off and a light came on. Pointing it forward he was able to walk inside.

Skirting around the busted door he was able to see a huge pile of take out boxes from a local chinese place. Among the trash were discarded diapers, and formula cans. He turned on an infrared scanner and he spotted the many tiny fingerprints of Penny on what looked to be an old tin toy train. He would have to ensure that her tetanus shot was up to date because that just sounded bad. She was alright and that was what he was hoping.

Along one side of the wall was what looked like an old broken up CB radio that was brand new. He leaned in and narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Gotcha..." He spotted the channel from the CB could still be seen. "Start her up Mary and tune into CB channel 18.

"Reading them 5 by 5."


Claw looked down at the infant as she breathed soundly. He was almost concerned that she was in fact sick seeing as she hadn't cried in over 8 hours. He shrugged his shoulders and sat back in his chair looking at the news.

The news helicopter flew over the city as his men began to rob store after store and no one was able to call for help. Even if they caught one team, there were 6 more out there and his hideout would be so full of loot by the time they were all caught Claw would be rolling in it.

Claw looked down at Penny as she opened her eyes and curled in tighter again.

"Oh don't worry sweetheart. Daddy will be the one rolling in the dough. However, there's a river with your name on it." He chuckled as he looked back up at the tv. The nanny picked Penny up and started to change her. Penny hated this place, she hated that man, and this woman was far too forceful for her.

She wanted her Uncle, where was her Uncle?

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