Chapter 6: Bat Cave?

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Where is Your heart At?

Chapter 6

Bat Cave?

15 years before

"Are you sure that's the right wire!?" A concerned voice asked from behind a large boulder. Mary slowly peaked out of her hiding spot.

Of course she didn't know, that's what these tests were for. She wasn't sure exactly what that wire was for.

"I donno, I made it in my sleep." Ren said. This didn't reassure the other engineer fresh out of college.

"Ren you shouldn't be doing this...its going to..." there was a loud hissing noise that bloomed into a sound very similar to a deflating balloon. "Uh...okay...My sleep self isn't smart...I'm pretty dumb...I can't even..."

There was a popping noise and a ploom of glitter and bits of paper rained down on them. There was a hard giggle from behind the boulder.

Ren ran her fingers over her face to remove as much glitter as she could.

"Madam...this wasn't my doing...was it?" A small 'happy birthday' toon echoed within the small cave. "Oh you little b..."

"Ah ah! Language." Mary walked out from behind the boulder carrying a small bundle in her arms. The little boy had been born only a month ago.

"Can you believe your auntie, Adam? She tricked me into disarming one of her own creations...only it didn't disarm it. I armed it!" She wiggled the little boy's foot. He didn't laugh, or cry, or really anything. A one month old couldn't do much of anything.

"Oh come now, you thought it was hilarious when you put a glitter bomb in the oven for thanksgiving last year." Ren burst out laughing which woke the infant who started to cry.

"When we're done with this place'll be..."

Gadget looked at the deep cavern with many gadgets handing all along a wall. It hadn't been touched in over 10 years now. Ever since Mary and Ren had been hired to work for the department they had no need to be secretive with their experiments. Plus the facility was better equipped and actually very safe. Gadget was glad...although as time went on he had begun to remember Ren being at their house a lot when they were young. He just never said anything to Ren. He didn't like her too much back then either.

He looked around the room and spotted a console with a monitor.

"Come on let's get this figured out." He started to tap at the controls and he sighed as it popped and sputtered.

"You're doing it wrong..." He jumped when he turned around and looked at the AI generated person. What the hell was that? Was it...her? "You're doing it wrong." It repeated itself. Okay it was just a bot.

"I"m looking for the controls. Assist?" He wasn't as dumb as people thought. He liked to make people think he was actually pretty dumb.

"I wish I had the manual..." He ran his fingers over his face and jumped when he heard the voice again.

"Manual to the gadget program..." The voice was sweet, kind, and even had a smile. "You didn't read it, did you John? I wrote it myself with the Professor. I had every intention of designing it with him as a willing occupant...I really hope the person that gets this program is brave, caring, and above all else...loves his job." She smiled that spread across her face. Her eyes looked directly at him. "Right, John?" His heart skipped a beat as he backed away from the hologram.

"I uh...I'm trying. But right now I'm doing more for your daughter than the city." He didn't expect an answer, and he most certainly never expected her to answer back with full emotion.

"Oh John...Penny lives in the city. If you can't protect the city you won't protect her..."

"How the hell...?"

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