Chapter 9: Doesn't Understand

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Where is your heart at?

Chapter 9

Doesn't Understand

Back to the observatory. Back to where the crime happened, he needed to get as many clues as he could. The fire department was still going through the skeleton of the science tower house. More than likely Ren wouldn't be able to stay there anymore. She'll likely want to keep her house now. Which was sad because Gadget had his hopes up on having a home for them.

Gadget's hands ran over the top of Ren's car, or rather whatever was left of it. It must have caught fire too. He sighed knowing perfectly well it was her husband's car and it was yet something else she had lost.

Poor woman was going to be sad again. She was almost always sad, the only times he saw her smile was when she was working and/or destroying something. For someone who wasn't a MAD agent she sure acted like one.

But she made Penny smile, so she shouldn't be that bad...right?

Suddenly the thoughts of Dr. Holiday came to mind. "She'll kill you." He closed his eyes thinking about it.

"Ren is the most loyal person you'll ever find." The voice came from the car itself. "She's...just empty."

"Sure, emptily destroying things." Gadget scratched under his hat. Mary's voice giggled as she heard her brother speak.

"She's a firm believer in 'if it breaks easily it can't be solid.' she breaks it so she knows what her machines can take." He couldn't see a face on the console, or even a light flashing. It was just the voice, and the soul within. Or at least that's what she called it. He still wasn't sure if he was still hallucinating things. He looked around at the ground and decided. Perhaps he should test things.

"Can you see the tire tracks from an unknown make over 3 hours old?" Gadget asked as he sat back against his new car.

"Of course I can...but John. It's going to be dark soon. Shouldn't you rest?" She asked as he climbed in.

"I'll sleep with Penny in my arms.'' The car pulled out of the driveway and went down the streets.


Brick put the flashlight in his mouth as he flipped a few switches. One light at a time went out. For Butch the more thicker and taller one. Things were going way too slow. He grabbed a chair and slammed it into the large turbine generator. The lights around them, and within the city completely went out.

"So uncivilized." Claw sighed as he looked at the chair that now sat in pieces in front of him.

Penny curled tightly against Claws' chest. She didn't want to be there, she wanted to go home. But if she were to cry...she feared she might be hurt. The big one said he'd rip her tongue out. Plus the duct tape still sat on her lips when she wasn't eating.

Another loud zap made the room light up.

"Where is the Boss?" Penny could see only people's faces. It almost looked eerie. She buried her face in Claws' chest again and kept trying her best to be brave. It was all she could do.

"I think the first national bank would be a good start, Just go wherever our hearts content. Have fun. I'll be back in a week...maybe." He laughed as he climbed into his RV to let his henchmen do the work for him while he gave Gadget a good run out into the countryside. If he could keep following him that is.

He reached down, running his fingers over Penny's back. Almost like she was a cat.

"Now my dear, it's just me and you." He sighed, picking up a coffee cup and sipping its contents. "You, make her a bottle." He had hired her as a nanny. The woman's thunderous foot falls made the whole RV jump as she walked.

He handed Penny off to the nanny and turned back on the many screens as he watched Gadget pull away from the driveway of the observatory.

"On the hunt now, are we Gadget." He chuckled under his breath which turned into a throaty laugh.

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