Chapter 8: Hang on for me

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Where is your heart at?

Chapter 8

Hang on for me

Chief Quimy looked over the millionth piece of paper that required his signature today and it was only noon. His job was quite demanding of late with MAD's boys going around in broad daylight.

Luckily they had Gadget helping them out. He had begun to be a household name now. There was even a cereal box with his picture on it. Twice as lucky that Gadget didn't let it get to him. He was still a law abiding man who loved his niece very much.

Now only if he would take a vacation like he had told him to do last year. He needed it, some one on one time with Penny would do them both some good. It was summer after all. A lot of the tourist hot spots would be open to the public.

The door to his office hit the side of the wall.

"Going on that vacation you were telling me about chief." Okay that was a surprise. Gadget even had a straw hat on his head and a lea over his chest. Was that a Hawaiian shirt? Oh he was serious!

"Oh? Where are you two headed?"

"To visit the Bahamas." It was a lie, Gadget's trademart smile wasn't plastered along his face. This wasn't him telling his boss he was going on vacation. This was to tell any of the moles in the department that he was coming.

"Alright, Gadget. Don't forget to take Penny to the Rainforest Cafe. they're really good and entertaining for kids." Chief waved at him as he left the room. This was up to the chief now to figure out what was going on under the radar.

Gadget walked outside of the precinct and got into a new vehicle and sped down the street.

"Where did he get a police sports car?" An officer asked the chief who just shrugged his shoulders and walked back into the office.

"Gadget gets the good shit." The officer's partner took his toothpick from his mouth and flicked it into the trash.


Claws fingers tapped the chair as he watched the screen. A soft gray cat yawned and looked up at him. The infant that slept in his arms had tear streaks going down her face. She had cried herself to sleep. Which was fine with Claw, actually he liked the silence.

"Why I wanted a child in the first place is beyond me." He sighed looking back up at the screen. "Just where did you get that new car? On your salary I'm amazed you even had that piece of shit hatchback." He growled hearing the phone on his desk ring.

Penny jumped looking around, her nap once again was ruined. Is this just going to be what happens from now on? Her uncle always let her sleep until she woke up naturally. She would get hugs, and kisses when she woke up. Here she got neither sleep, nor cuddles.

So when she woke up in Claws arms it was strange. She didn't like him, he wasn't comfortable, a lot of his chest was nothing but metal, and his face was itchy. Oh his voice was annoying to listen to. Unlike the gentle soft voice of her uncle. He kept calling himself 'daddy'. What was that?

"Gadget says he's going on vacation. Quimby seemed to accept it pretty quickly like he agreed to it long ago. You don't think he's just going to ditch her do you?" It was one of the officers that spotted Gadget getting into the new car.

"No, he's too much in love with this annoying brat." He glared down at Penny, and gritted his teeth.

"He's obviously onto something. Let's...start the plan. Destroy the powerstation." He ordered and stood up, slamming his hand down on the receiver hanging up on his henchmen.

"You and I are going on a little trip, my dear." He chuckled as he picked up a bag and walked into what seemed like an RV, but within were wall to wall computers and several henchmen.

Penny didn't like this, where was her uncle? Her bottom lip quivered, and soft tears ran down her cheeks.

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