Chapter 7: Actually...

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Where is Your heart at?

Chapter 7


Nope he was still having a fever, being delirious, and having hallucinations while one is sick does happen. So he stood there looking at this transparent woman who looked and sounded like his sister. Nope he was definitely not okay.

"You're fine, this is an AI created just to help you along, because let me be honest here big brother. You have not been the sort to read manuals."

Gadget sighed and nodded.

"Yeah okay. You got me there." He rubbed his arm as he sat down at the computer preparing himself for a long sitting down in front of the computer. That book was pretty long.

"John, don't think that I'm trying to tease you, not even a little bit. I'm actually being protective. Of you, and my baby."

Gadget jumped realizing he never told her. But then again she was a hallucination would she even understand? Oh well it was worth a try.

"Her name is Penny. I named her because she was just so small." The smile that spread across hallucination Mary's face told him she did understand, at least to an extent.

"It's so cute. I was going to have you name her anyways. So she would have been Penny no matter what." Gadget blushed and looked down at his feet. He was sure she saw it too.

"Alright, Now I'm sure you know the basics, the legs, the arms, the neck, the fingers, the helicopter. But what about the..."


Penny wasn't happy in the least bit, Actually she was quite angry and she was making sure everyone in the van knew about it. Not only did she still not feel good, but she was hungry, she was in some strangers car, they hurt Ren, and Oh she wasn't in her car seat much less the one with all her toys on it.

"Kid if you don't close your mouth and stay quiet I'm going to pull your tongue from your mouth!" Brick yelled at the top of his lungs so he could be heard over Penny.

If you knew anything about kids. Threatening them was not going to help them be quiet. If anything it was just going to make things worse.

"Penny, darling. Daddy will give you an ice cream when we get home, if you quiet down." Penny turned and looked at Claw. She narrowed her eyes at him and stuck her tongue out at him.

Claw gritted his teeth and reached across the seat and grabbed Penny's face with the clawed hand.

"Silence is golden...but duct tape is silver..." He grabbed a roll of duct tape and put it onto her mouth. "Too bad..."

"Why did we go get her this time anyways? It's not like she's useful anyways."

"She'll still help us. We have a new heist to do and we can't do it if Gadget is going to get in the way." He sat back and yawned. "So I'll go toward the cabin leaving some bread crumbs behind for Gadget to find. While you boys go on a crime spree." He chuckled as he rolled out a large piece of paper. "She's the decoy." He chuckled.

"But Boss...what about the other cops?" Hoist asked, looking around at the others who nodded.

"Oh, the central power grid will be turned off. Which means the whole city will be without power and this will allow you to move freely and without worry about alarms." Claw chuckled, running his fingers through Penny's hair.

"It'll be the crime of the century, and it's all because of you. " Tears ran down Penny's face.

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