18*he is back*

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Kook felt wetness on his chest. Like  something wet and warm but soft twirling on his left side bud. A small moan escape from his mouth as he felt his bud pulling away with something sharp, his back arched beautifully feeling a vibration on his chest as he couldn't control the pleasure he slowly opened his eyes. His vision was blurred he blinked twice to clear his vision and now he could see clearly that black soft hair was moving side to side on his chest and he knows it's his husband who was lying top of him sucking on his buds like a toddler.

He couldn't help but smiled as his hands went up to those soft hair, his delicate fingers run through the soft hair earning a groan from the man that made him feel the vibration again.

Kook bit his lower lip feeling the tongue approaching his second bud he held his breath as the warm muscle run on his nipple giving same attention like he gave to other. His chest heave up, he urged to see his husband's face, how he looked while sucking his nipples, he blushed his cheeks go all red as his hand went to his husband's forehead collecting those hanging hair on his chest he combed them upward but soon he left the hair when he saw the dark orbs are looking deep into his eyes.

His body shivered when he remembered these eyes, those dark irises of the man which he saw before his marriage. The eyes when he was feeling scared to met, he didn't thought he could see those dark irises again after these years. His heart beat fasten at thought that he could finnally bring his husband's that side which he somewhere was missing and craving for but why he felt scared now.

His hands found the soft pillow under his head as his hands fell numb not able to have the courage to hold the man who fasten the speed of sucking his nipples. Kook squeezed his eyes letting some tears rolle down falling on the pillow as the pleasure turned to pain. The man was devouring his chest like a hungry beast.

Finnally he let out a shaky breath when he felt the mouth of his husband left his swollen nipples. He looked at the man who was still hungrily looking at his chest And he couldn't help but to shiver at the gaze.

But soon he let out a painful scream his body jerked upward when the man give a hard thrust as he was still inside him. His body trembled badly, tears rolled down his eyes as he felt his inside was burning in High flame.

Kook: ta..tae ahh.... Sto..stop... It.. it's paining.

He begged the man to stop but to his surprise the man didn't listen to him. For the first time in their married life the man disobey him and he let him also. He let the man to have him as he wanted. He let the man to touch him , make love to him like how he wanted. He allowed the man to do everything to him. He saw how the man buried his face into his chest between his boobs and started thrusting like wild animal.

Even though kook felt extremely pain in his lower body but stil he felt like satisfied. He felt he gain something that he had lost years ago. Unknowingly his lips curved up to beautiful smile. He closed his eyes wrapping his arms around his husband's bare back pulling him closer, moaning near his husband's ear making him groan loudly.


It almost eight in the morning and kook hurriedly placed a pan on the stove. He cursed himself as he was so late to make breakfast for his family. It's not like there are no maids in this big mansion, there are a lot even they have their own departments but here inside kitchen the mrskim is incharge. And he would love to make food for his family with his own hands.

He wake up little late today as last night he slept late, and in morning with aching muscles he took a lots of time to went inside the bathroom to freshen up and not to mention his shameless man again popped up inside bathroom making his morning wild again.

He flipped the pancake remembering those moments with his husband. He could still feel the strong hand roaming around his entire body. He still feel whenever he moves his lower part how he felt burning inside. He blushed hard, cheeks decorated with pink colour making his chubby cheeks more appealing to see. He was still in his dream land till he felt two strong arms wrapping around his slim waist. He didn't flinched as he knows who the person is. He closed his eyes with a smile inhaling his husband's musky manly scent.

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