Chapter 10

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"Will you just hurry your ass up please?" I was sitting outside my house talking on the phone with my sister. "Stop being an ass, I'm coming," she snapped, "It's your own damn fault. You can't just show up and demand people do shit on your time frame Gage." She continued to bitch as I sat trying not to laugh. I was making her all mad and shit but in the end, it was so going to be worth it. I finally broke down earlier that day and bought her a car and she had no idea. I was sitting in it, waiting for her slow ass to come outside. I couldn't wait to see the shock on her face. It's nothing fancy, just a four door sedan, but it's new and paid for so it's hers out right. The front door opened and I stepped out of the car as I hung up my phone. I could hear her bitching as she came toward the driveway. Her eyes roamed over the car in confusion, the phone still clutched in her hand near her shoulder.

"Uuhh, Gage? .....What are you....What's going on?" she asked. Her eyes flickered between me and the car I leaned against. "I'm waiting for my ride," I replied innocently. I turned and opened the passenger door and slid in, closing the door behind me. She walked up to the driver's side and leaned in the open window. "What?" she asked. "You know, for a law student you really are a little slow sometimes ... .this is for you Circe." She stood there staring at me motionless. "I got you a car genius," I continued, "now are you going to take me for a ride or what?" I'm not sure what I expected but my sister launching herself across the driver's seat to land in my lap was not on the list. She threw her arms tightly around my neck, almost cutting off my air supply. Her squeal was so shrill it's possible I will be deaf in my right ear now. "I'm going to assume this means you are happy," I laughed. She sat up and kissed my cheek before climbing back into the driver's seat. "Yes I'm happy you ass! I can't believe you did this," she said in awe. "Well if I'm going to be gone half the week I can't leave you stranded now can I?"

We looked over the car together before finally taking it out on a twenty minute drive. "So, I had a long talk with Xavi and I think he's going to be okay," she informed me. "Oh really? How so?" I asked, genuinely interested. I don't, however, try to hide the amusement in my voice. While I respect Xavi and understand Katya is his sister, he has to understand she and I are consenting adults. "Well, he's not out to kill you so that's a plus," she assured me. I roared with laughter. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry...Please, continue," I said as I got my laughter under control. "Annnyyyway, he understands that Kit's a big girl and can make her own decisions. He's not under any illusions of innocence where she's concerned believe me. He knows she's far from virginal. He just has to stop imagining the most extreme crazy shit and he'll be fine." I furrowed my brow and turned to look at her. "What crazy shit?" I asked. She chuckled before explaining. "Apparently his roommate has some sort of hidden room in the basement. It's full of kinky sex equipment. It got his mind wandering so then he hit up google and shit just spiraled from there."

I rolled my eyes, I can only imagine Xavier's face when he walked in David's glammed up form of a dungeon. From what Katya told me He had a rigged up bed with a cage built into the bottom of it, a wooden frame to house a sex swing, and a few other pieces of equipment they never used. As for google, there's no telling what kind of shit he pulled up there. "But," she added, "since I've initiated a few risque techniques in the bedroom he's starting to slowly come around." My smile disappeared and my laughter stopped. "Wait, what?" I asked, tilting my head her way. Then Circe was the one laughing hysterically. "Do I need to have Kit come over and have a talk with you?" I just stared at her completely dumbfounded, "No, now wait a minute, so when exactly did the two of you start sleeping together?" Shit, I just went into full-on big brother mode before I knew it. "Oh my god," she groaned, "are you even listening to yourself right now? Can you smell the hypocrisy in the air?"

"Now hold on, in my defense you just pulled that out of your ass and tossed it in my lap. What do you expect? At least allow me time to process before labeling me a hypocrite." Barely a beat of silence passed before she spoke. "You all processed over there?" she inquired. "I'm working on it smartass," I answered. "Well, you might want to throw that shit into double time." I looked at her. Why does she have to be such a pain in my ass sometimes? "What?" I asked. That's when she turned to me and smiled demurely as she put the car into park. I looked around and realized we pulled into a driveway.... It's Xavi's driveway.

Surrender : Book 2 in the Dangerous Games seriesWhere stories live. Discover now