Sansa III

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Ser Barristan bore a weary expression upon his face, standing near the hearth, where Ghost had taken up the role of guarding the barely visible egg. Lady was curled up at Sansa's feet. The feel of her direwolf soothed her, and her nausea had worn off. The door opened with a thud, an angry-looking Robb walked him.

Robb's hands curled up into fists, anger radiated from his body. Sansa suspected he'd come to the wrong conclusion, she just hoped he hadn't made matters worse.

"The wildlings think we tricked them. Trying to lure them south to kill them. No Northman would do such a thing." Robb stated.

Sansa's eyes met those of her guard. "Ser Barristan, if you would leave me and my brother alone for a while. I'll call you back in when I'm ready."

"Of course, your grace." Ser Barristan nodded. He knew there was information he wasn't privy to, nor would he be, yet he understood with grace. "I'll be next door if you need me."

Sansa smiled, although it didn't reach her eyes. "Thank you Ser Barristan."

The door closed behind the former kingsguard, and Sansa waited until she heard his door close. She stood and placed her hands in front of her, and raised her chin. "Please tell me you merely listened and told them you would consult with me."

Robb's jaw tightened. "I did, but why didn't you let me deal with it?"

"Because I know who did it!" Sansa replied, as calmly as possible, betraying the terror she felt inside.

Robb's jaw slackened, he furrowed his brow instead. "Then why didn't you say anything back there?"

"Because questions will be asked regarding how I know, and why I did nothing to stop it."

"Who did it, Sansa?" Robb asked.

"Ramsay Snow. Roose Bolton's bastard." Sansa replied.

Robb looked confused. "How do you know?"

"Ramsay hunts women with his hounds. He has a smaller one to track the women, then he lets the larger ones hunt them down. They eat the flesh." Sansa shivered.

A look of horror crossed Robb's face. He approached her, wrapping her in his arms. For a moment, she flinched. The possible presence of Ramsay, stirred a terror in her, where she couldn't let anyone, except Jon, touch her. But this was Robb, she reminded herself. He wouldn't hurt her. A look of hurt briefly passed his face until he remembered something she had told him.

"Is this the man you were forced to marry?" Robb asked. Sansa nodded. "You never told me what he did to you. Not everything."

"He beat me, cut me, burnt me and raped me. He forced Theon to watch as he raped me on our wedding night."

"And Theon did nothing?" Robb asked.

"Ramsay had destroyed what was left of the Theon Greyjoy we know. Theon was called Reek. Ramsay removed his manhood, flayed parts of his body. He looked little better than a wight." Sansa's body shivered at the recollection. "Theon couldn't do anything. He had no strength to save me on my wedding night. The man riding around the Gift, is not the same Theon Greyjoy who saved me from Ramsay Bolton."

Robb looked abashed. "How do we stop him?"

"I'm the only one who knows what he looks like. And he's probably disguised as a wildling." Sansa paced up and down, trying to gather her thoughts. "He sometimes takes his men with him. I suspect they are dressed up as wildlings, too." She turned to face Robb. "If we can prove Roose Bolton was behind it, we can have him executed as a traitor."

"We've got to catch Ramsay first." Robb agreed.

A notion occurred to Sansa, was it the Freefolk Ramsay was after? Or was it someone in particular. "We need to see if anyone else is missing, and if so, a description of them."

DAGGERS TO THE HEART Part 2 - CLASH OF THE KINGSWhere stories live. Discover now