Daenerys I

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The vision of a man swam before Daenerys'. Dark eyes, dark hair and a beard. She couldn't define his features. She heard the warlocks whisper of three treasons; once for blood, once for gold, once for love. What this the man for? Was he a lover? Three fires, three mounts to ride, three treasons. The dragon has three heads.

Suddenly she was hot, sweating. Her head hurt. The light was too bright. Then it dulled, she was freezing, the wall of ice was bearing down upon her. A tent in the distance, warm light seeping through the material. The tent looked different to the one in the House of the Undying, yet she ventured towards it, knowing she would see Drogo and Rhaego inside.

An arm across her eyes, so that she could see, for the blizzard made it difficult to see in front of her. What had appeared to be a short distance, felt like it took hours to make. Eventually, she made it too. With him, were her dragons, he was playing with them.

"What are you doing with my dragons?" She asked.

"They are not your dragons." From behind her, came a voice she'd heard before.

Daenerys turned around, there was a man who she believed was her brother, Rhaegar. "Are you Rhaegar?"

Rhaegar nodded. "I am. You cannot own a dragon. They are free spirits. You can bond with them, but you should never bend them to your will."

"Papa." Daenerys turned back to the little boy, who must be her nephew, Aegon. Although she could have sworn the descriptions of him were clear, he looked like a true Targaryen. "Will they grow to be like Blizzard?"

"Blizzard?" Dany was confused.

"You aren't the only one who has a dragon." Rhaegar said, as there was an almighty thud outside, causing the ground to shake, and an almighty roar from outside, made her jump.

Dany kneeled down. "Can I see your dragon?" she asked. "I've never seen one fully grown.

The boy eyed her with initial scepticism, before looking to Rhaegar. "Can I?" He asked.

Daenerys looked to Rhaegar, who despite having tears in his eyes, he smiled at the little boy. "Of course you can, Aegon."

Aegon, his is The Song of Ice and Fire.

"Come with me, Aunt Dany." The boy said.

Daenerys frowned. Aegon would have been older than her, had he lived. Anyhow, she took the little boy by the hand he offered, and followed him out of the tent. Once more, the wind and snow hit her in the face. She shivered, then noticing her hand was empty, she noticed the boy had gone. She looked around for him. At first she saw nothing, then a pair of small red eyes stared back at her.

Not a large dragon, she thought, with a smile on her face.

The eyes got bigger, and she noticed some of the shape, it wasn't even a dragon. It was a wolf, a beautiful white one.

Daenerys held out her hand. "Hello." She said, but the wolf snarled and bared its teeth at her. Dany snatched her hand away. "Not a dragon, I'll wait until my three are big enough."

The ground shook once more, and the skies went dark. Dany looked up, and another pair of eyes were shining down at her. Once again, they were blood red, just like the wolf, who was still standing there. Except, this time they were larger, and they did not belong to a wolf.

The red eyes were larger than Daenerys herself. She looked for the body, but despite the shadow of the beast blocking out the light, she still couldn't see it. It was as white as the snow all around her. Thud, thud, thud. The beast was walking away. On top, she saw a rider. It wasn't the child, instead it was the dark-haired man she had seen earlier. Small screeching sounds from behind her, let her know her baby dragons were with her, giving her some sense of comfort. That was until Rhaegal and Viserion joined Blizzard. Dany looked to her feet, to find Drogon, who stood looking up at her.

DAGGERS TO THE HEART Part 2 - CLASH OF THE KINGSWhere stories live. Discover now