Catelyn II

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Since her return to Winterfell, Catelyn found herself forever occupied. Barely a day passed before a missive arrived from Queenscrown, penned by Sansa, urging the convening of the Northern council. Following this directive, days blurred into nights as she helped Ned painstakingly compose letters to every Lord, summoning their presence without disclosing the council's purpose.

The news of Sansa's harrowing encounter with the Bolton bastard only solidified Catelyn's burgeoning belief in the prophetic visions of those blessed with greensight. It also heightened her concern for her daughter's safety.

As Jon Snow or Aegon Targaryens wife, she knew Sansa would forever be a target. Whether it be adversaries vying for the Iron Throne or women seeking to allure her husband once he ascended to kingship, the threat loomed large. Yet, amidst this uncertainty, Catelyn found solace in one certainty: Jon's loyalty. He understood the repercussions of infidelity and empathised with the trials of being a bastard. The likelihood of him being unfaithful to Sansa was low.

Despite her apprehensions, she resigned herself to backing his bid for the Iron Throne after her heart-to-heart with Jon. Success promised prosperity; failure, demise. To abstain from the endeavour was to embrace certain death. Thus, survival offered only one path forward.

Since Sansa dispatched her missive, Ned's days had been consumed by drafting letters for the Northern council. At first, he corresponded with the most distant Lords, prioritising missives to Lord Karstark and Lord Howland Reed of Greywater Watch.

Lord Reed, a witness to Ned's fateful encounter at the Tower of Joy, stood as the sole living testament to Aegon Targaryen's birth. Given the remoteness of his house, his letter was the first dispatched from Winterfell.

Anticipation swelled as the council's assembly loomed, slated to convene within the coming moon. This window allowed for the expected return of both Sansa and Jon. Catelyn hoped for Arya's arrival alongside Jon, yet missives from her youngest daughter suggested an extended stay in the capital before she could journey home.

As these concerns circled in her thoughts, Catelyn sat at her desk in her solar, immersed in the logistical planning for the council's refreshments. Her contemplations were interrupted by a sharp rap on the door.

"Enter," she called out.

In shuffled Maester Luwin, clad in his customary grey robes and the ornate chain of his office. "My Lady," he greeted with a deferential nod.

Catelyn regarded him with curiosity. "Maester Luwin, how may I assist you?"

"A raven from the capital, bearing the Hand of the King's seal," Maester Luwin announced, extending a small sealed scroll. "Addressed to Lord Stark, though he's presently in the Godswood, deep in prayer."

"Thank you. I'll ensure he receives it," Catelyn acknowledged, accepting the scroll and breaking the red wax seal, stamped with a hand insignia. Given the timing, she surmised it must contain news of King Joffrey's demise.

With a heart pounding from the weight of expectation, she perused the contents:

It is with a heavy heart, that I write to inform you of the untimely demise of King Joffrey Baratheon, First of his name.

He is succeeded by his younger brother, King Tommen Baratheon the First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Lord of Storm's End. Long may he reign. It is expected you should swear fealty to the new King within the coming three moons, as we are aware of your issues with the Wildlings.

Tywin Lannister,

Hand of the King.

Though lacking certainty, Catelyn sighed, suspecting Arya's involvement in Joffrey's death. Her daughter seemed transformed, no longer the wild, carefree child but a calculated, chilling assassin. It sent a shiver down her spine.

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