Jon IV

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The chambers within Dragonstone held a haunting familiarity for Jon. A place where the cold and damp clung to the air and the very walls of the castle. A reminder of his time with Daenerys. How she seduced him by keeping him prisoner, while overtly flirting with him. The juxtaposition of him falling for the silver-haired beauty, and loving it, while hating being kept in the place where she made him feel alive for the first time since he died, was not lost on him.

Now, with hindsight, he hated every memory of the damned place, and he couldn't wait to leave. The consolation, was spending a night on solid ground, offering solace after a fortnight of an arduous journey by sea. There were times he wished his dragon was already hatched and full grown. The journey would have been far quicker.

The initial night unfolded in weariness, marked by earnest conversations with Ser Davos and the priestess of R'hllor, Lady Melisandre. In an attempt to garner belief from the duo, tales of past lives were shared by Jon and Arya, putting their faith in the hope Melisandre would see their truth in the flames. Fortune favoured them, as their tale was believed by Melisandre, although Ser Davos still bore an air of scepticism.

Once they had broken their fast, the following morning, the discussion of how to proceed was needed between Jon, Arya, Ser Davos and Melisandre. After Jon and Arya told the tale of their past, it was revealed they would only be prepared to save Shireen. Jon could sense Davos and Melisandre had only agreed, to buy them time, in the hope of Jon changing his mind. However, that wouldn't happen.

The following morning, the four of them gathered in the room of the painted table, the sun shining through the enormous window. It was a glorious, warm sunny day. The sun mirrored against the waves of the sea, a shimmering reflection of diamonds dancing upon the blue waters.

Jon started the meeting. "Tomorrow morning, Arya, Ser Davos, and I will travel to Kings Landing." He turned to Melisandre. "My lady, I wish for you to stay on Dragonstone until two days before the royal wedding, then I wish you to travel to Gulltown. Arya has the details of where you will be staying." Arya had found the location of Littlefinger's Gulltown home. By using the handwriting of Lord Baelish, she had written a letter that morning, warning of the impending arrival of a priestess of R'hllor.

"What am I to occupy myself with in King's Landing?" inquired Lady Melisandre. "I need your magical expertise to devise a disguise for Princess Shireen. Can you weave a glamour, perhaps?" Jon queried. "I'm confident in my ability to cloak the child in secrecy." Melisandre said, her tone hinting at displeasure, leaving no doubt about her reluctance to depart from Stannis and Selyse.

Ser Davos shared a similar sentiment. "I still believe we should attempt to rescue Lord Stannis and Lady Selyse."

"He could prove invaluable to your cause. Stannis is a formidable commander," Melisandre suggested, catching Jon off guard. He had wondered about her feelings for Stannis, given her grief upon his death.

Recalling Melisandre's unsuccessful attempt to seduce him, Jon questioned her sincerity. If she truly loved Stannis, wouldn't she have been more guarded? Perhaps her assessment was genuine. Yet, Jon remained uncertain about Stannis's allegiance and whether Melisandre could sway him. The man's stubbornness and Jon's lack of trust added complexity to the situation.

Whether to rescue Stannis had been a topic of discussion between Jon and Arya during their journey from White Harbor to Dragonstone. They concurred with Melisandre's view, acknowledging Stannis's prowess as a commander, leader, and warrior. However, the crucial question lingered—would Stannis support Jon's claim, and did Melisandre wield enough influence to rally him to their cause? Jon grappled with uncertainty, mindful of Stannis's unyielding nature.

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