Arya V

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Lord Baelish hadn't received an invitation to the wedding breakfast, much to Arya's relief. Finishing Dannon's remaining duties just after the hour of the Nightingale, she then retired to Littlefinger's brothel for a few hours of much-needed sleep.

Upon awakening, Arya bathed and dressed in Littlefinger's finest attire. Jon had already collected the walnut box containing the goblets from the jewellers, a work of art in itself. The box was adorned with an inlaid image, likely oak or poplar, gleaming with a golden hue depicting the golden Lannister lion clasping the golden Tyrell rose.

Arya had witnessed many sketches and designs commemorating the wedding in recent days, but nothing compared to this craftsmanship. She couldn't help but wonder if Jon had conceived the idea himself. Was there a side of her she had yet to discover? Did Sansa know of his talents? As intrigued as she was, it was too late to inquire. Jon was likely navigating Blackwater Bay, perhaps nearing Driftmark. She made a mental note to ask him about it when they next crossed paths, assuming she remembered.

With meticulous care and gloved hands to avoid leaving fingerprints, Arya removed the goblets from the box. Utilising a small bone tool shaped like a spatula, she applied a tiny dollop of sugar syrup halfway down the stem of each goblet. There it met a large, flat garnet of the deepest reds. With miniature tongs, she then selected a disc of amethyst-coloured poison, a modified version of the Tears of Lys designed to react only with red wine.

With methodical precision, Arya positioned the poison disc into the first goblet. Pressing it down with the opposite end of the spatula to ensure it adhered inside the stem. Satisfied with her work, she repeated the process with the second goblet. Once both were prepared, she returned them to the box, which she sealed, ready to be presented as the wedding gift for the King and Queen.

Arrangements were made for a litter to transport her to the Red Keep, where all gifts were to be submitted before the ceremony at the Sept of Baelor. Arya gave herself one last check in the mirror before departing, eager to embrace the day ahead.


Standing in the hot and humid Sept of Baelor, Arya fought the urge to yawn. The three stolen hours of rest had done little to sharpen her focus amid the monotony of the ceremony. The High Septon's crown, adorned with crystal and spun gold, seemed to shimmer with every movement, nearly hypnotic in its allure.

Arya had to admit that Joffrey and Margaery appeared regal as they exchanged vows, framed by the towering gilded statues of the Father and the Mother.

Margaery, looked resplendent in an ivory silk gown adorned with Myrish lace. Drawing attention with her skirts adorned in floral patterns crafted from sea pearls. Around her shoulders, she wore a Tyrell maiden's cloak, its cloth-of-gold roses sewn onto green velvet.

To Arya's dismay, the king cut an almost equally splendid figure. His doublet, a dusky rose, peeked out from beneath a cloak of deep crimson velvet, displaying his stag and lion sigils. Atop his golden hair sat the crown of the realm.

Scanning the room, Arya noted the unfamiliar faces among the attendees, all dressed in their finest, hoping to suck up to the Lannisters for some selfish gain. A gathering like this was always a splendid opportunity to strike a deal. Whether it be a marriage, favours, or financial. Royal weddings were worth their weight in the gold which the Lannisters shit out of their arses.

The familiar ones were absent, like Sansa in Queenscrown, and Varys in the North. Remembering the reason for Brienne's absence, a lump formed in Arya's throat as she recalled the tall woman who had captured Jaime Lannister's heart. This time, he remained whole, with no Brienne to bring him to his senses.

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