Arya IX

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The thought of returning to the House of Black and White felt like a double-edged sword to Arya, stirring up a mix of emotions within her. On one hand, it granted her the freedom to take lives without fearing the wrath of the Faceless Men or anyone seeking to harm her loved ones through them. Yet, the prospect of going back didn't sit well with her.

Arya considered the potential outcomes and prepared for the grim possibility of surviving the impending long night, though she knew her odds were slim. She understood the importance of appearing unchanged, ready to slip back into the role of No One if necessary, even if it meant donning Arya Stark's face as easily as she once wore Littlefinger's.

For now, Arya would have to cast aside her concerns. She would have plenty of time to worry about her doomed fate as she sailed to the Vale. Right now, she had more pressing worries.

Arya considered her next moves, the task of eliminating Littlefinger and the reasons behind his demise. There were still objectives she needed to accomplish while inhabiting his persona. Arya wanted to ensure The Vale's allegiance to the North under Jon's leadership was paramount, which required a journey to the Vale. Once completed, Littlefinger's timely demise would follow his proposal to Lysa. However, before executing this plan, Arya needed Tyrion to be convicted of Joffrey's murder and sent to the Wall. Yet, there remained the thorny issue of the Tyrells.

Arya harboured intentions of thwarting the marriage between Tommen and Margaery, turning the Tyrells against the Lannisters. The only viable strategy was to implicate Olenna and Littlefinger in Joffrey's assassination. With Margaery's power reliant on the Queen of Thorns, this plan held significant promise. But Arya knew she couldn't navigate this intricate web alone; she needed help from Varys.


Arya navigated the maze of tunnels until she reached the passage leading to Varys' quarters. She had ventured here once before, first with Jack and then alone, ensuring she had the location fixed in her mind. Although this would be the first time she had stepped into his solar.

Varys' chamber was modest, but its hidden door made it invaluable. It provided access to the central arteries of the Red Keep and offered discreet exits to the streets of King's Landing—ideal for secret meetings with his network of informants, his "little birds."

Accompanied by Jack, Arya sought to gather enough material to mimic Varys' distinctive script. She cared little for the contents of the missives; Varys was far too cunning to leave behind any damning evidence. All Arya desired were his words.

With a faint groan, Arya nudged the door open, allowing Jack to slip into the solar while she lingered in the shadows of the passageway. If anyone were to intrude, they'd think nothing of a cat skulking about. Cats were a common sight in the Red Keep, often seen in pursuit of rats or mice—though, in Arya's estimation, they pursued the wrong type of rats.

The plan seemed straightforward: Jack would scour the room for letters, and once located, Arya would swoop in to retrieve them. What could go wrong? As it turned out, quite a few things.

To Arya's dismay, Varys hadn't left his correspondence lying about in plain sight for a feline to find. The overwhelming scent posed an additional challenge. Despite Varys' prolonged absence, the lingering aroma of Essosi perfume, permeated the air, causing Jack to cough. While the scent didn't trouble Arya, it affected Jack, hinting at some deterrent within its cloying notes.

Arya relied on Jack's keen senses to navigate Varys' chambers with no need for a torch. It was common knowledge that the eunuch was absent from King's Landing. If a guard spotted light emanating from his window, it would raise suspicions.

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