Viper and Red Tigress

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Claw Noir grew bored at guarding and decided to rob a jewelry store again at midnight just to kill time. His days would be on guard to keep his lady safe from harm. After all, cats are loyal to Claw Noir. He came to the rooftop and cataclysm the entrance of the air vent to crawl inside.

He crawled until he reached inside the store, "So many shiny stuff to collect" His eyes glint at the sight.

"Meow" He purred and before he could reach, he caught an incoming knife and looked at it, realizing its design of a snake, "Ah, Viper. Speaking parseltongue again to your snakes?"

"Correct, traitor" Viper reveals himself.

"Ah, and your lovely sister as well. It's been so long since the last time I said we are puuuuurrrrrrrractically feline family, Red Tigress" Claw Noir purred seductively while glancing at the dark red tigress-themed supervillain.

"Yes, we were and it's not too late for you to rejoin us" Red Tigress drew her claws on the glass.

"You kidding? I left him because of what he put me through. He only treats me and all of you like his puppets. No love, no care, and no freedom. That's what" Claw Noir hissed, "You two have no idea that I've lost my parents for my selfish actions!"

"You think we care?! You and she left us to suffer at the hands of the Supreme and both of you never came back!" Red Tigress yelled.

"You never wanted my help, cat! Don't give me that shit of blaming me and Shadybug! For God's sake! You two like to blame everyone!" Claw Noir growled and took a deep breath to calm down.

"You should have helped us when you had the chance!" Viper said.

"I had the chance? Let's recap, we were still young teenagers until you all refused my help whenever the Supreme forced us to fight each other. I tried to help you all, you just pushed my ass out of the way" Claw Noir said.

"That was before!" Viper said.

"Look guys, I don't want to fight you. And for the record, Shadybug is no more" Claw Noir said.

"Hmph, good riddance she's dead" Red Tigress scoffed.

"But she's reborn as Ladybug" Claw Noir continued.

"What? Not literally dead?" Red Tigress said.

"No, she purified herself, Shadybug is dead but not Ladybug" Claw Noir said.

"And you look the same as we all remember. The green Christmas hair, the jacket, and the spikes" Viper said, wanting to get this over with.

"I know" Claw Noir replied.

"Enough talk! And for the record, we are not practically a cat family!" Red Tigress spins her spiked bolas.

"Suit yourself!" Claw Noir takes his staff out.

"Don't forget I can predict every one of your attempts within seconds" Viper said.

"We shall see" Claw Noir then lunged at the two.

Red Tigress threw her bolas at his legs, trapping him, "Agh!" Claw Noir tripped, "You two really need to learn about morality!" Claw Noir cataclysm the bolas to get free and backflipped, looking at Viper trying to predict his attempts, "NO YOU DON'T!" He leaps at him.

"We could've hunted mice together, snake!" Claw Noir smirked but got kicked aside.

"Think fast, Cat!" Viper threw a vial of snake venom at him.

Ladybug came in and grabbed Claw Noir's ankle to move him aside, "How many times have I told you to stop being cocky with your dumb ass?!" Ladybug getting frustrated with him.

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