Madame Pig

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So far, Paw Noir was getting the hang of his new costume and trying to adapt to doing something good rather than being a killer. To make for it he had Ladybug by his side.

"I can hardly imagine what I will do with my life," Paw Noir said.

"You'll figure out soon once The Supreme is defeated" Ladybug held his hand.

"I hope so, Milady" Paw Noir said.

"So far you like to sketch," Ladybug said

"Yeah, aside from stealing jewelry, but no more," Paw Noir said.

"Really? I thought robbery makes you happy" Ladybug said.

"Well, it did," Paw Noir said.

"Well, I don't know what's next threat to us here," Ladybug said.

"Heh, Supreme is losing more of the miraculous" Paw Noir said.

"We already got many of them," Ladybug said.

"Yeah, for now. Besides, this kitty loves hunting mice all the time. It's in my nature when it comes to being a wild cat" Paw Noir purred.

"Of course" Ladybug threw her yoyo to swing.

"Meow!" He jumped to the next roof with her while sniffing out for danger.

"RAWR!" He jumped onto the next building, startling a nearby man on a balcony.

"Ach du lieber Gott!" The man exclaimed in German.

"Auf Wiedersehen!" Paw Noir said in German as he jumped.

"Do you ever get tired of scare pranks?" Ladybug asked.

"Not one bit, Princess" Paw Noir said.

"You got your claws but I don't see your teeth. That evil smirk is just stupid on you" Ladybug said.

"Do I still have fangs?" He asked.

"Yes. For a 'cool cat', you are so easily distracted sometimes" Ladybug using air quotes.

"Puurrrrrhaps I am," Paw Noir said.

"And your puns are getting too old" Ladybug rolled her eyes.

"Come on, Bugaboo, get used to it" Paw Noir smirked.

"And I thought you like being a badass kitty" Ladybug flirted.

"Aw, is milady a flirt?" Paw Noir picked up a nearby rose.

Ladybug accepted the rose and smelled it, "Smells nice"

Just then, the feline tackled her down from the incoming magic attack of Gift, "Don't look!" He looked away and covered his lady's eyes.

"So there you two are," said a pig-like supervillain.

"Madame Pig" They both guessed.

"Exactly," Madame Pig said and approached them, "Looks like you two got a makeover"

"Listen, Rose, we don't want to fight you" Ladybug tried to reason with her.

"We changed and we no longer do evil deeds," Paw Noir said.

"Is that so? So the Supreme was right. You're the ones claiming the others one by one" Madame Pig said.

"To end his reign, pork! Don't make me knock sense into you with mud!" Paw Noir hissed angrily.

"Then I'll put you both in the bag!" Madame Pig prepares her gift attack.

Paw Noir swung his baton to hit it, "Pigs don't hunt! Predators like myself find pigs so delicious like crispy bacon!" He taunted.

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