Paw Noir

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Claw Noir rode Ladybug's lucky charm Ducati again while she was holding onto him from behind. It was a long journey on the road to get to Berlin in Germany.

"Does anyone know how to drive?!" Claw Noir driving aggressively due to drivers going too slow, "Out of the way!" He changed lanes left and right to get off the exit of the highway and into the capital of Germany.

"Don't do that again, please!" Ladybug said.

"Right of course" He replied.

"You're overdoing your badass attitude," Ladybug said.

They came into an alley to hide for Ladybug to snap her fingers to end her lucky charm.

"Too much?" Claw Noir smirked.

"Yep, it was," Ladybug said.

"It's always my charm to be the cool cat" Claw Noir being too funny as always with his dark humor, "My claws are very dominant against my soft paws"

"We'll see about that" Ladybug wasn't so sure.

"Come on, I'm a very wild cat" Claw Noir smirked, not noticing he could make his human canines into fangs.

"Yeah, sure. If you were untamed, you wouldn't have that cat bell" Ladybug said, noticing his teeth, "And your teeth making you want to hiss like a pissed-off cat"

"Huh?" Claw Noir looked into a window and saw his reflection, "Damn, I got fangs!"

"So you can do that. You little liar" Ladybug said before walking out of the alley, making sure there's no assassin or another holder to stop them.

"I didn't lie. I just didn't feel it" Claw Noir said.

"Sure you didn't. Maybe next time try to be less feral and more focused rather than getting your ass bitten off by dogs" Ladybug rolled her eyes.

"Alright, Puuurrrrrincess" Claw Noir teased her.

"I mean it, fleabag. Last time when we were young, street dogs chased you in the alley" Ladybug jumped up towards the rooftop.

"Give me a damn break!" Claw Noir followed her, "That was because they were German shepherds! They were fast and aggressive to bite nasty like bitches!"

"Rottweilers are stronger" Ladybug pointed out.

"All dogs are strong, milady. And for the record, I may be bad luck but I was lucky to live with nine lives" Claw Noir said before accidentally bumping into pigeons to startle them, "Agh! Get out of my way! Shoo! Shoo the hell away from me!" He hissed with his fangs to scare them away.

Ladybug chuckled at his wild side that he definitely hates pigeons and all types of birds, despite that he doesn't hunt them like cats.

Then he suddenly sneezed from their feathers, "AAAH ACHOOO!"

"Aww.....I thought cats hunt birds" Ladybug giggled.

"I wish I did but I don't. Next time, give me a heads up please" Claw Noir said before getting it together, "Sheesh, this is why I hunt bad guys like my mice"

"Like Polyrat" Ladybug reminded him.

"Come on! Just because I caught her in my mouth like a real cat? Emotional need, milady. Every animal and human have emotional need they can't resist" Claw Noir crossed his arms.

"Like this one?" Ladybug held out a laser pointer.

"Don't! DON'T! I said to behave with lady-like manners, cockroach!" Claw Noir could not control his emotional needs.

"Okay okay. You're too funny when you react like that Kitty" Ladybug said.

"Hmph!" He pouted.

"Awwww.....does my wild kitty need attention?" Ladybug scratching his chin to cheer him up.

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