Welcome to the Club

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Upon arriving to school, the reception was less than ideal.

Male Student 1: Wh-Why!?

Male Student 2: How is this happening!?

Murayama: (Y/N), I get! But that lowlife of all people?!

Katase: Lady Rias!

The whole school was in an uproar from seeing both (Y/N) and Issei arriving to school with Rias.

Issei: 'Well, no wonder they're surprised. I'm arriving with The Rias Gremory, the school's most popular idol, after all.'

You ran your hand through your hair already exhausted.

(Y/N): I knew I shouldn't have given her our address. I'm gonna get bombarded with questions in class...

Though Issei had a giddy grin on his face which was stopped when you bonked him on the head.

(Y/N): Knock it off, that kind of face will have the other guys gunning to strangle you.

Issei: You already strangle me!

(Y/N): I do it out of brotherly affection.

Issei: More like affliction!

(Y/N): I only do it when you deserve it.

Issei: You did it to me this morning!

Rias interrupts your brotherly squabble.

Rias: I'll send the errand boy later.

Issei: The errand boy?

Rias: See you both after school.

Issei calls out to Rias who leaves, still having questions, those questions are cut short when he is punch into a pillar by Matsuda.

Matsuda: Issei, you bastard! You betrayed your comrades in the losers alliance!

Motohama: Calm down, Matsuda.

Matsuda: Motohama!

Matsuda was crying while Issei's cheek has a fist welt from where he was punched.

Motohama: First, we want to hear what's going on, Issei. What happened yesterday after we left you!?

(Y/N): 'Issei needs some new goddamn friends...'

Issei: Matsuda, Motohama.

Motohama: What, Issei?

Issei: Have you guys ever seen real breasts?

(Y/N): 'You haven't, I gave you that emblem so you didn't...' Issei knock it off, we gotta get to class.

Matsuda; Stay outta this!

Matsuda and Motohama were defeated as they had no idea that Issei was lying.

Walking up the stairs Rias is met with Sona Sitri, Student Council President.

Sona: So, he's the one?

She is leaning against a pillar.

Sona: Good day, Rias.

Rias: Good day, Sona.

Sona: It's not like you to impulsively decide to bring someone into your household. Or to make a deal with a holy man.

Rias: It's not?

Rias and Sona were looking on from the second floor while Issei was suddenly playing rock paper, scissors with Matsuda and Motohama.

Rias: Well, I got myself a silly little brother.

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