Trouble Finds Us

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An Organ's music fills the cathedral, Issei stood wearing a tuxedo, Matsuda and Motohama were crying from jealousy while Issei's parents were weeping in joy. Rias stood in a wedding dress that was a bit provocative.

(Y/N): Issei, eyes forward, I can only be here for a few minutes at best now that your partners woken up.

Issei: Partner?! What's going on!?

A voice echoes out within the wedding hall.

Ddraig: You look pretty hot and bothered there, brat.

Issei: That voice sounds familiar...

A gargantuan eye opens up and stares down at the brothers.

Ddraig: Yes, I am inside you.

Issei: Wh-Who are you?

(Y/N): Issei, meet Ddraig, The Red Dragon Emperor. His spirit lives in your gauntlet.

Ddraig: Paladin, I've continued attempting to speak with him, but he never heard me. Perhaps because he is too weak.

(Y/N): That's a high possibility. Not to worry, I can thin out the connection, make it easier for you two to communicate.

Issei: I don't get it! What are you two on about!?

(Y/N): Ddraig wanted to introduce himself since you two will be fighting as partners. Long story short, your gauntlet was crafted out of his remains.

Issei: What's a Ddraig!?

(Y/N): I really have to spell it out for you... He's the giant dragon right in front of you.

The glow from the sacred gear floods the room prompting Issei to wake up from the pain screaming, but not loud enough to wake up everyone else as it was still night. Afterward in your room, you were awoken from the small line of sunlight peaking through your blinds and hitting you in the eyes.

(Y/N): Damn Sun... I'd blow you up if your death didn't cause planetary extinction...

You go to try and sit up, but feel a weight on your chest keeping you in place. Looking at the blanket you see a large lump.

(Y/N): Did I activate the armor in my sleep again?

Using your arms to help you sit up, you hear moans of protest, a feminine one at that. One thing you do note however, was the small bed you got for your fox sprite being empty.

(Y/N): Please no...

Throwing the blanket off you see a random woman cuddling up to you. Loud screaming emanates from your room.

Issei knocks before opening the door and seeing the situation.

Issei: Bro!? You're a fucking hypocrite!

(Y/N): Hypocrite my ass! I don't know who or where she came from!? Just shut the door before—

Mrs.Hyoudou pops her head in to see the commotion and covers her mouth when she sees you with a woman in your bed, tears brimming in her eyes.

Miki: I knew You were always shy! I bet you wanted to keep this relationship secret so Issei wouldn't harass you!

(Y/N): That's the conclusion you jump too?!

She runs off immediately to tell her husband.

Miki: Darling! (Y/N) has a secret girlfriend!

Gorou: Nani!? Really!? I imagine he was hiding her from Issei!

Issei: I can hear you!

(Y/N): Her first thought of a secret relationship was to tell dad...

Issei: So where'd you find her and how can I get one!?

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