A Secret Kept and A Secret Revealed

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It was the night if the Rating Game, you left Issei and Asia to prepare on their own having come to face their biggest challenge ever. You were at your old home, continuing with cleaning, you cleaned up even more this time around, leaving only one spot left. That being the room in which their deaths reeked. Shambling towards the door you open it slowly, getting hit with a waft of decay, you see the old room in shambles. To those who could not see magic, they could only see an empty room, but for you, your eyes looked upon the sight in terror

[Constitution Saving Throw: DC 15/ Your Roll: 2]

Bile shoots up from your throat as you cover your mouth in your failed attempt to stop the overwhelming attack on all senses. You were rooted in place by fear,. There in the center of the room, lied the decayed corpses of your mother and father, the scene of the attack replaying in your mind. Each step was as shaky as a newborn fawn, you find the closet they hid you in.

Anxiety begins to wrestle your will for control, your heart races, chills cover you from head to toe, and a impending sense of doom clouds your vision. You fall to your knees, opening your mouth to scream, but nothing comes out.

[Constitution Save DC 15/ Your Roll: Nat 20]

Inhaling a large amount of air, you yell to snap out of your stupor. The adrenaline flooding your veins overpowers the anxiety and darkness that flooded your mind. You look on the bodies of your parents with tears, but refused to allow yourself to crumble again in their presence.

You carry their bodies one by one to your backyard which led into a forest and buried them near their home. Returning to the home, you begin to clean out the garbage from the room, however...

[Perception Check DC 15/ Your Roll: 13+2=15]

You notice in the desk your mother once read her many books in, was a small lip that seemed out of place. As you crouch down to look, at it, you had placed a hand on top of the slip, unknowingly pushing down and revealing a hidden magical compartment, one that you had never seen before.

Opening the drawer, there is inside is a photo, a small parchment of paper and a pawn piece. Looking at the photo your eyes widen upon seeing what looked to be your mother standing next to a man who looked similar to Riser as well as many other men and women. The parchment has the same magic emblem that belongs to them.

[Investigation Check DC 20/ Your Roll: 19+2=21]

You deduce that your mother had connections to the Phenex's. This photo was taken when she was quite young, likely before she met your father. From what you recalled of your mother she would have days were she would leave late at night, appearing exhausted whenever you went to wake her up and spent many days in this room as it was her study. Connecting all the pieces together, you are horrified by the realization that your mother was previously a pawn who belonged to the Phenex Family. Thankfully, it was evident you held no blood connections to them, your mother and father being both human at the time of your birth.

[Arcana Check DC 15/ Your Roll: 16+2= 18]

Detecting the traces of magic, you can also deduce that the evil piece was removed by a higher power, having been removed a year before your mother and father had met one another. The piece's magic to the family was all, but nonexistent, however, it held just enough magic that it could still be used for something. Managing to also detect a magic presence, you were not familiar with. You pocket the piece and leave the parchment and photo behind, finding no further use for them.

[Perception Check DC 20/ Your Roll 9+2=11]

You go back to cleaning the room, finding nothing else of interest. Leaving only with one question, how could your mother remove or find someone to erase the half-devil aspect from herself before your birth. She wasn't a paladin that much was likely, it was difficult to say having never seen your mother use any level of magic above your father. You shake your heads of those thoughts, not wishing to overthink what may be. You finish cleaning the room and leave to repair any damages to the home's exterior.

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