Trouble Follows The Blonde

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Issei goes over to help her up.

Issei: A-Are you all right?

She accepts the outstretched hand.

Asia: Thank you!

A wind blows off her head cloth revealing her face properly.

Issei: 'She's cute.'

Asia: U-Um...

Issei seeing that he was still holding her hand, lets go and apologizes. You grab her head garb before it flies away and hand it back to her. You also give Issei a look saying don't try anything.

Asia: Thank you very much.

Issei: Oh, you're very welcome.

(Y/N): So, what's a nun like you doing here?

Asia becomes embarrassed touching the tips of her fingers together.

Asia: Um...I...I got lost and need help.

Both of you agree to help escort Asia to the only church in town as that is where she needs to go.

Issei: Are you on a trip?

Asia: I was appointed to this town's church.

(Y/N): You're quite young for a nun. Usually they have them wait until 18 to appoint one to town's.

Issei elbows your side though Asia isn't bothered by the comment.

Asia: I'm so glad I met such nice people like you two. It must've been divine guidance.

Issei: Well...

Looking at her neck, Issei sees a cross necklace and turns away instinctively. He quickly looks away to not draw attention.

Asia: What's the matter.

Issei: Well, nothing. 'What was that feeling?'

While walking, A young boy is hears crying, looking over to see a boy who scrapped his knee pretty badly, Asia quickly rushes to the boy and comforts him.

Asia: Don't cry; it's just a scrape. You're a boy, after all.

Putting her hand over the boys scrape, a green glow emanates from her hands with both her rings shining, the boys wound begins to heal rapidly. No trace of the wound is left.

Issei: H-His wound...

(Y/N): 'That's a sacred gear at work, no doubt about it.'

Feeling a stinging pulse in the hand that bared the mark, Issei flinches.

Issei: 'Huh? I felt a sharp pain just now.'

Asia: Look! You're wounds gone! It's all right now.

Asia look to see both of you to apologize.

Asia: Sorry, force of habit.

She sticks her tongue out adorably, Issei and You help her continue her trek to the church.

Issei: 'I felt it in my left hand. That must mean--'

Asia: I must've surprised you.

Issei: Oh... Well, you have a pretty amazing power!

Asia: It's a wonderful power granted by God. Yes, a wonderful power...

For a moment, both you and Issei notice she was saddened when she spoke the last part.

Asia: Oh, that must be the place!

Looking up there's a church in a somewhat back part of town on the hill.

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