Chapter 7

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You almost choked on your tea, 'what? I don't know what you're talking about'
John looked at you with an expression you couldn't quite read.

'I found an ID card next to my broken vase, it had Melanie's name on its.

Oh fuck...

'I traced her ID back and I noticed that you and her were friends... That's how I knew her before you introduced her'.

'I... I'm sorry'.

John placed his cup on the island table, 'why were you in my backyard?'
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, 'I uh... We weren't meant to be in there. Mel was drunk... Very drunk and she went crazy... I was trying to get her out of your backyard, I practically chased her into your garden'.
John's eyebrows raised, 'really? I'm quite impressed that you got past my security sensors'.

'Wait, there were security sensors?! How the hell did I get past those?'

'I don't know, I guess I'll have to check on them'.

'I'm sorry about your case, Mel was being an idiot'.

John shrugged, 'it's a shame but I can live with it... Did you... See anything?'

'I mean, no because I was trying to get Mel out from the garden, is everything okay?'

You did see everything but you didn't want to go there. But instantly you could tell that John didn't believe you.

Jesus! This guy is good!

'She... Wasn't meant to kiss me, we weren't friends at all'.

He said plainly and you went to speak when suddenly the door bell went off, 'sorry, that might be Marcus'.

Marcus was a thin guy and by god his face was wrinkly. You hoped that you wouldn't have that kind of skin when you got older.

'Hello, I'm Marcus, you must be (Y/N)'.

'Uh, nice to meet you'.

'I'm sorry you've gone through this. But sadly you've been pulled into all this the moment-'.

He stopped himself and cleared his throat, 'I'm sorry but this is going to get a little complicated if I keep on lying'.

'Wait what? You're lying to me'.

'Do you know much about your past (Y/N)?'

The more you thought about it, the more you realised that you hadn't. It was all quite fuzzy and it worried you.

'Uh... No?'

Marcus nodded, 'well, let's just say these people were aiming for you, it wasn't random'.

'I mean, they shot at my house, I would assume that they were going for me'.

'Because of your past, because of who you are'.

'Well... It sounds like you know me more than I know yourself'.

'You don't know much about your parents'.

'And you'll be able to fill me in on the details'.

'We'll talk about them, but we need to head to The Continental'.

You frown at him, 'the what? Continental?'

'It's a hotel, one where the public can't access, only certain people can stay'.

You were growing quite worried now, 'so, are you a secret agent or something?' You look at John, 'are you some sort of secret agent as well?' John looked slightly amused, 'no, I'm not, I suggest we get moving before my home is targeted as well'.

'Targeted! Wait guys, what's-'.

Marcus brought out his hands, 'come on, we have to go, they're on their way', he pulled out some sort of small machine and showed John.

A tracker.

John motioned for you to follow, 'come on, we have to go'.

You didn't want to go, but you didn't want to be left alone after what had happened.

'Why haven't I been questioned by the officers? It's my home'.

Both men didn't say anything, they were silent for a few moments before Marcus spoke up, 'I suggest we get moving and then we can explain in the car'.
You shook your head, everything was crashing down on you now.

'No, I'm not moving from here, I don't know who you two are but I can't trust you'.

John approached you slowly, 'I understand that you don't trust us, but we need to go, it's the only way to keep you safe'.
He was growing closer to you, 'John, this is all too much for me, I don't know why the officers haven't spoken to me yet, what the hell did you say to them!'
Before you could say anything, John managed to reach out to you, pulling him into his arms. You struggled against him until you felt something sharp against your neck.
It wasn't long before you passed out.

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