Chapter 12

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As they got out of the void Sophie and her group ran full sprint to where Fitz had transmitted to her. They finally made it and that's when Sophie saw Saylor for the first time. Sophie staggered backward into the arms of Grady. He was shaking with rage as he laid his eyes on Saylor as well. Sophie could hardly breathe. The Neverseen did this to her, and they were going to pay.

"Tick-tock- everyone, the girl only has so long once the Shadowflux gets to her system and we didn't use arrows as we did with you, Sophie. We put it in her directly. Me, Umber, and our two very own prodigies. Four people putting shadowflux into someone directly cuts the time in half. It's already been almost 15 minutes. She has maybe 10 minutes before she's gone."

Everyone looked around nervously, how were they going to get her out of there?

Alden transmitted to all of the telepaths "We are going to create a diversion, Biana is here; she and Tam are ready to get Saylor out but we all have to distract them so they don't notice Saylor turn invisible."

They all nodded weakly. Keefe's head was spinning, out of all the times Foster almost died, it's never been this close and this brutal. He internally vowed that he would do anything in his power to never let the Neverseen near Saylor again. He could tell everyone else meant the same as they slowly moved Saylor away from them.

Dex paled "Guys she's turning gray ." They all gasped, he was right. Saylor was slowly going from blue to gray.

That's when Lihn mustered everything she could and blasted all of the Neverseen with the strongest gush of water they had ever seen. They all shot back into the wall groaning as they struggled to get up. Biana and Tam took that moment to get Saylor out of there. At least until Gethen appeared behind them and hit them each with a melder. Forcing them to drop Saylor, causing a whimper from her. That was the first noise she had made the entire time. Gethen grabbed Saylor, threw her over his shoulder, and bolted. Sophie screamed in frustration. Everyone's eyes widened in shock when the fact that Saylor woke up registered in their minds.

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