Chapter Seven

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       It was a new day and Kenny had spent her evening watching videos and looking up most of the projects on her list. To herself she could admit that maybe she was a bit over her head. But she wanted to do this part herself. Put a piece of herself her in the middle of nowhere. So she'd figure it out.

With a homemade cold brew in a thermal cup Kenny stepped out ready to make a mess. Locking up the trailer door Kenny turned and froze. Standing maybe twelve feet away stood a young guy or maybe boy. And she knew just by one look at familiar green eyes that it was her brother.

" Hi River, I'm Kennedy" she introduced herself not really knowing how else to start.

" What are you going to do about my mother?" He shot the question out but the tone was almost resigned, zero emotion. " I know she did something bad. She's not a good person but..." he offered hesitantly but then just trailed off.

" But she's your mother." Kenny finished for him and took a seat in one of the lawn chairs she'd set up outside. " I get it River. I call my mother Candy because she never really was a mother to me. Didn't protect me or care like one is suppose too. Luther left me with her and my childhood was a shit show of foster care and bad situation." She told him motioning for him to take a seat in the other chair. It took a moment but finally he moved to sit.

" Luther wasn't the greatest dad but he was here. He didn't love my, Colly. But he made sure I was in school and taken care of for the most part. He tried I guess. Colly did too but I think she did it just to keep her place with Luther. The club, some of the guys like Hoss and Cuff watched out for me. And Lacy...she's not like the other women who hang around the guys" River explained but kept his eyes trained in the ground as he spoke. His shoulder dropped as he unloaded his own sad story of shit parental units. In that moment Kenny saw the child peaking out and it squeezed her heart.

If she'd come here years ago Kenny wasn't sure she could have made this kids life any better being in it. Hell she still needed therapy but the Mulligan's had taught her all she needed to know about what family should be. Knew that at fourteen she was coming into his life maybe too late. But she wanted to give River what she'd found.

" River, look at me." She ordered her voice gentle with a little touch of an order to it. And it took a moment but finally his eyes lifted to meet hers. Eyes that held no hope or shine but were just like hers. Something Luther had passed to both of them. " You are my brother. You're blood. That means your mine now and I take care of what's mine. I'm not leaving. I'm your sister which means that I have your back now. And you have mine. The rest we figure out as we go" she stated with zero give or waver in the conviction of her words. In that moment Kenny claimed him and deep inside Kenny wanted this just as much as he needed her. She'd never been needed before.

" That simple" she shot back a little defensively but Kenny didn't take it personal. Trust was earned and he'd learned not to trust. She got it better than anyone else could.

" Yep, that simple. Now I know we're in June but shouldn't you still be in school?" She questioned trying to remember what day of the week they were on. " Grade Nine right?" She added taking a sip of her cold brew and pulled her phone out. It was Wednesday.

" Ya but there's no point in going. I'm failing every subject and missed to many days." River answered sounding embarrassed which pissed her off. Getting up she set her drink aside and took a knee right in front of his chair. She didn't reach out or touch him. They weren't there yet. But she got right in his space.

" River I'm going to step up. Be the adult you need to get you through the next couple years. And I'll warn you now that I'm not an easy going person. There are going to be rules and one of them will be you going to school. I will personally drive you into Boston daily if needed. I'll ride your ass to be better than what we came from but support you all the way through. Can you accept that?" She questioned at the end, leaving the ball in his court. Holding his gaze for a few more beats she stool and retrieved her drink. Letting him know that she didn't expect an answer right away.

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