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*yawns* I looked at my alarm, it's almost 6 a.m. and we gotta leave for Vegas at 7. I woke up Meek first so he can get in the shower.
"Papi get up." I said as I tapped on his shoulder. "Papi!" I shook him.
"Yes... mom?" He said as he turned to look at me.
"We gotta get ready to go to Vegas." He grunted.
"Okay." I walked to Amirah's room to wake her up but she was already awake.
"Everyone to the car!!" I yelled Papi walked to the car with his face covered, Amirah ran the the car, Meek came downstairs carrying everyone's bags. I grabbed my purse, phone, and keys and got in the car.

"Cai and Heem let's go!" I yelled from the front door. Jordan, Aliyah, and Rih are already in the car waiting.

-Phone Convo

"Yo what's up?" I said as I answered the phone.

"Safaree the plane leaves in less than 15 minutes. Where are you?" Nicki asked.

"Waiting for Jacai and Raheem to come down the stairs. We'll be there in less than 10 min." They came downstairs and ran to the car.

"Okay Safaree you better hurry."

I locked the door and got in the car.
"Alright we'll be there in a second."

"Okay bye."

"Bye thanks for the call." I said as I hung up. I pulled off and started driving to the airport.

"Who was that, baby?" Rihanna asked.

"Just Nicki." I said, I saw her roll her eyes, from the corner of my eyes. "Don't get an attitude Rihanna."

"I won't." She said but I could tell by the tone of her voice she had an attitude.

"Why are you so jealous?"

"Excuse me? I'm not jealous of anyone."

"Okay Rih. We can talk about this later." I said we got to the airport and got on the plane. I sat down and put my ear plugs in.

Jacai ran over to me when he got on the plane.
"Hey Mommy. Did you miss me?" I walked him to his seat.

"Of course I missed you baby. Did you have fun with Daddy yesterday?" I sat in the seat beside him so we could talk.

"Yea we got ice cream and pizza after Papi's game then we played video games."

"That's nice, was Ms. Rihanna mean to you?"

"No she was nice, she got me extwa spwinkles on my icecweam."

"Let me know if she's ever mean... okay?" He nodded his head and then we fell asleep. When we woke up we were in Vegas, as soon as we got their we went to our hotel room. It's 12:45 pm, Amirah's dance practice starts at 3, and the competition starts at 5 ends at 10. It's supposed to be 24 teams there so they face 12 teams today and 12 tomorrow.
"Baby yall wanna go out somewhere?" Meek asked.

"Yes let's go have some fun!" Papi said excitedly.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Amirah yelled.


"Can we invite Aliyah?" I looked over at Meek, he gave me a look like I had to let Aliyah come with us.

"Let's....." I took a deep breath. "Go see if she can come."

"Yayyyy!" Amirah grabbed my hand and we walked out our hotel room and started walking to Safaree's hotel room floor. We're on the 4th floor they're on the 6th.

"Damn Rihanna chill the fuck out! It's not that serious." I yelled kinda quietly so the kids wouldn't hear us. We've basically been arguing since we got to the hotel room, we have a conjoined room so we're in one room and the kids are in another.

"Leave me alone Safaree!" She yelled back in her Caribbean accent it's a turn on.

"You know what I'm sorry." I said trying to calm down the situation.

"About what?" She crossed her arms.

"Can you just accept my damn apology?"

"What are apologizing for?"

"You know what I don't fucking know. I have no idea." Just then the somebody knocked on the door.
"Hey Nicki, hey Amirah." I said as I opened the door.

"Hey." Nic said. "Hey Mr. Safaree, can Aliyah go out with us?" I looked over at Rihanna.

"Of course she can. Aliyah!" Aliyah came running from the other room with Jordan on her back.
"You get to go out with Amirah." I took Jordan off her her back. I gave Aliyah 250 dollars spending money.

"Yayyyy! See you guys later." They left.

"Really Safaree, you didn't even ask me."

"I don't have to ask you." I said she rolled her eyes.

"You know I don't like Nicki."

"Well too bad, our daughter is best friends with her daughter and I have a son by her sooooo.... get over it." I said and started walking away.

"You don't have a son by her though." She said below her breath but I could hear her.

"Robyn Fenty shut the hell up before MY son hears you." She shut up. "Come on boys let's go!"

"Where are you going?"

"Out.." I picked up Jordan, "if you want to come you can if your gonna have an attitude say here." We started walking towards the door.

"I'm gonna stay here."

"Alright see you at Aliyah's dance rehearsal." We left out and we went to explore Vegas.

We're walking down the street. We are gonna go out to eat and then to a bounce house place. I looked at my phone to see the time it's almost 1:30.

"What yall want to eat?" I asked, Nicki shrugged her shoulders so I looked at the kids.

"Barbecue!" Papi yelled, the girls didn't say anything.

"Barbecue it is." I drove us to a restaurant. We got to the restaurant, it was mainly a bar scene so we had to walk past all the smokers and stuff.

"May I take everyone's order?"

"Uhh..." After we ate, we went straight to the bounce house place. We stayed for an hour and then went to the girls dance practice.

"Thanks for letting Liya hang with yall." Safaree came over to us and said.

"It's no problem, Mirah's the only girl, she needs someone to hang with." I said.

"Where's Rihanna?" Nicki asked.

"She'll be here in a little." He answered and walked away carrying Jordan with Jacai and Raheem following him.

Hope yall like this chapter. Sorry for any errors. Vote and Comment Please.
Thanks for reading.

Check out my other story "I Want You"
Yall watch the BET awards last night? Nicki and Rihanna looked
Have yall heard Meeks album yet, he confirmed that Nicki was cheating on Safaree I guess they both cheated...

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