Chapter 11

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"I just want to apologize for not being in your life" I didn't know what to say, so I just sat there listening to her. "You don't understand how hard it was for me to know that I wasn't in my baby's life anymore."

"If it was so hard for you... why'd you do it?"

"Your father and I drifted apart due to some things and once he got custody of you I didn't know if he would let me see you."

"What did you do for you to feel this way?"

"A lot happened Papi, your too young to understand."

"Why didn't you call me... if you were afraid that you couldn't see me, you could've called." I want answers from her but at the same time I don't even want to talk to her.

"I don't know Papi I didn't think about it."
"If you really were hurt and you really loved me you would have called.. you wouldn't have let another woman raise me as her own child... you would have been here for me."

"Papi I'm sorry. I'm so sorry but I do love you, I thought about you every day and night... I was in a state of depression without you."

"I'm getting tired... I'm gonna go up to my room, see ya later." I stood up, I saw her eyes getting watery, I gave her a hug and went upstairs.

"I wish they would have never told me about Fah.... Nicki is my mom." I put my head in my pillow.
I'm at Jacai's wrestling match with Rih and the kids. Nicki said should would be here but she didn't show up yet.
"Hold your stance!" I yelled but I don't really know that much about wrestling. Cai seems really good at it though, he's really strong.
"Go Cai!" Heem started chanting when Cai was about to pin his opponent. Jacai won his first match, he sat down waiting for his next turn.
Fah is sitting at the dining room table crying to herself and Papi is in his room.
"This worked out perfectly.." I said sarcastically under my breath.
"Babe I think this might have been a bad idea." Meek said as he stood beside me.
"Yeaaaa... you should go talk to Fah, I'll go talk to Papi." He nodded in agreement, I went upstairs and knocked on Papi's door.
"Can I come in?" He didn't answer so I asked again. He opened the door and I went back to laying on his bed.

"Papi I know this is alot for you but you need to be respectful to Fah."

"I was being respectful...."

"No you weren't, you were very ignorant, you need to show a little respect for the woman that birthed you." I don't really like that Fah wants to be back in his life but I wouldn't want to be disrespected by my only son.

"She didn't do anything but birth me."

"Papi she did more than that.. before it was just you and her."

"Really? What about you and dad?"

"Me and your dad didn't get together until you were like 5, so your mom was taking care of you for 4 or 5 years."
"I should go apologize to her, huh?"

"Yes you should."

"Alright. You'll always be my mom though, love you." He gave me a hug.

"Love you too" We walked back downstairs.

"Hey I'm so for being disrespectful earlier, it was just a lot going on in my mind." Papi said to Fah.

"Its fine Papi, I know this must be hard for you." Fah said. After they talked for a while, it seemed like Papi really warmed up to her. She showed him some pictures of them together.
"I'm gonna get going now. See you guys later. Bye Papi, love you."

"Love you too."
I looked at my phone and realized that I had basically missed Jacai's wrestling match. I hope he won't be mad at me.
Me - Hey Faree I'm not gonna make it, I was busy with Papi
Faree ~ Okay, is everything alright?
- yea it's all good now
~ Alright I'll see you when I drop him off
- okay, thanks for being there for him
~ lmao your welcome?

Jacai finished his last match he won 2 out of the 3. Nicki never showed up because she had to deal with Papi.
"Did I do good dad?" Jacai said as he ran up to me.
"Yes you did." I picked him up.
"Good job Cai." Rih and Liyah said. I put Cai down he hugged and thanked them.
"Next you have to fight me and if you win your the ultimate champion." Raheem said, I laughed.
"Alright." Jacai said and we walked to the car.
"What you want to eat Cai?"
"Can we go to IHOP?" He asked.
"If thats what you want then yea." After we ate dinner, I drove us to Nicki's house to drop off Cai. The kids fell asleep. I took Jacai out the car and knocked on the door.
"Hey Faree." She said when she opened the door.
"Hey Nic, I forgot to grab his bookbag, I'll be right back."
"Its cool I'll come to the car and get it." We walked to the car, Jacai was following after Nicki. I handed Nicki the bookbag.
"See you later dad, love you" Jacai hugged me.
"Bye love you too."
"Bye Cai. Love ya." Rih opened her door and gave him a hug.
"Love you, bye mo-" Nicki coughed loudly so Cai wouldn't say mom.
"Jacai Maraj, Rihanna is not your mother" I said sternly so he would understand.
"Nic calm down its not that serious." Safaree said as he was shutting the car door.
"It is that serious Safaree, I'm his mom not that bitch."
"Don't call her out of-" Safaree said before Rihanna cut him off.
"I'm not a bitch so watch your fucking mouth."
"Bitch please, this is my mother fucking house, I will say whatever the fuck I want to fucking say." I said Safaree grab Rih's hand to try to hold her back I guess.
"Safaree let the bitch go, if she wanna get out the car let her, she not gonna do shit."
"Try me bitch, I don't know who the fuck you're talking about but you got the wrong one." I opened the car door for her, I've been waiting for this moment to fuck her up and this is my chance.
"Yo yall not about to fight in front of Jacai." Safaree yelled.
"Cai go in the house." I said he walked in the house. I heard Cai yell something when he went in the house but I couldn't make it out.
"I'm trying you, bitch." I said, Rihanna go out the car.
Oh my god what's bouta happen?????

Hope you like this chapter.
Sorry for any errors.
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Oh and to any of my Muslim readers out there Eid Al-Fitr, I hope you all had a nice Ramadan.

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