Telling Papi

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We're back in LA and I just got off the phone with Fah, she said she's coming at 4 to see Papi. We still haven't figured out how to tell Papi that Nicki isn't his mom yet.
"Papi! Come here!" Papi came to my room. "Sit down." He sat on the couch we have in our room. Nicki got up and shut the door.
"What's going on?" He asked.
"Don't be mad at us-"
"Yall getting a divorce?" I looked at him confused.
"No, why would you think that?"
"I don't know but if yall not getting a divorce than what's going on?"
I sat there silently for a second.

"Are you gonna tell me or not?" He laughed.

"I'm not your biological mom Papi." Nicki said quickly.

"What? What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"Nicki isn't your mom, by blood."

"Your lying right?" I shook my head no. "Then who is my mom?"

"Your mom's name is Fahimah,"

"Why are you telling me this now? I was fine not knowing that Nicki wasn't my mom."

"Because your mom wants to be in you life."

"Well fuck her, she wasn't in it before."

"Watch your mouth Papi.. she had a reason why she wasn't in your life." I said tryna calm him down.

"Why wasn't she?"

"That's her business and if she wants to tell you she will." Nicki said.

"When do I have to meet her?"

"She'll be here in a little." He nodded his head and walked out the room.

"I think that went well." I laughed, Nicki side eyed me.

I'm at work, I have to interview some girl that wants to be my assistant.
Rih - You wanna go out to lunch?
Me ~ yea, we can go around 3
- Okay, see you in a little while
~ Ard love you ❤
- Love you too
"Mr. Samuels, Ms. Brook is here for her interview." David said as he stuck his head in my office.

"Send her in." A few minutes later a pretty little lightskined woman walked in my office.

"Hi nice to meet you I'm Candice Brook." She stuck her hand out to shake mine.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Brook, my name is Safaree but you can call me Mr. Samuels." I shook her hand. Afterwards I looked over her resume, she seems pretty qualified. "You seem very qualified Ms. Brook. Why do you want to work here though?"

"I think being your assistant can teach me a few things about being a ceo of a company."

"Okay I respect that.. you got the job."

"When do I start?"

"Your first day is Monday. Be here at 8 am sharp."

"Okay thank you." She stood up and shook my hand. Just then Rih walked into my office carrying Jordan.

"Oh sorry baby, I didn't know you were in a meeting." She turned and started walking back out.

"It's fine, it's over now."

"Oh my god your Rihanna. I'm such a huge fan." Candice said she was kind of fangirling.

"Hi... thank you for being a fan" Rih said after putting Jordan down, she hugged her. Candice walked out my office. "Who was she, she seems nice"

"I'm glad you like her shes my new assistant." I said before pecking Rih's lips. "You ready to go out."

I went in my room to lay down, I just need to think. Why does she want to be in my life now? I want Nicki to be my mom, she's the one that's always been there for me. I picked up my phone and checked my messages. I had a message from Jada and from Trey. I texted Jada back.
Jada ~ You wanna go out somewhere?
Me - I wish, but I'm really busy today.
I looked at the text from Trey thinking about how to respond.
Trey ~ wassup, meet me at the park at 4:30
- for what
~ just meet me there
- I'm busy
~ you scared to meet me
- No I'm busy like I said
~ yea right
I looked at the time on my phone, 3:36
- how bout we meet there right now
~ alright
I put my Jordan's on, some black basketball shirts and a black and blue t-shirt on. I called my best friend Sebastian so he could meet me there.

"Dad I'm going to the park!" I yelled as I walked past their room

"Be back by 5." He yelled back.
I starting walking to the park on the way the there I meet up with Sebastian.

"Why we going to the park?"

"Trey wanted to meet there.."

"For what"

"I don't know," we got to the park Trey and his group of friends were waiting by the swings.

"I ain't think you was gonna come." Trey said as we walked up to where he was.

"What do you want?"

"I'ma tell you one last time to leave my girl alone."

"She's not ya girl."

"You say that now, let's see if you can say that in a minute."

"What?" Just then Treys fist came in contact with my face. I was stunned for a second then I punched him and pushed him to the ground. One of his friends ran up to me and tried to hit me but Sebastian grabbed him and started punching. Trey got up off the ground and punched me in the stomach. I grabbed him and started punching as hard as I could but he continued to punch me in the stomach.
"Let's go Papi." Sebastian pulled me away from Trey.

"This ain't over nigga." Trey said as we walked away.

"Ya lip is busted." I said to Seb, he laughed. When we got to my house Nicki, my dad, and Fahimah were waiting in the dining room.
Papi walked in the house with Sebastian. Papi has a black eye and Seb has a busted lip.
"What just happened?" Nicki asked.

"Nothing." Papi said.

"It looks like something." She got up and got a steak out the freezer to put on his eye.
"It should go." Sebastian said as he started walking towards the door.

"See you tomorrow." Papi said as Seb left.

"Sit down." I said, he did as told. "Papi this is your mom Fah."

"Hi Papi."

"Hi." Me and Nicki got up from the table so Fah and Papi could be alone.
Hope yall like this chapter.

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Thanks for reading. Sorry for any errors.

I'm not going to be updating "I want you" for awhile... my main focus is gonna be in this book and once I finish it I'll start updating "I want you" again. So sorry to anyone who was reading it.

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