chapter 12

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"Try me bitch, I don't know who the fuck you're talking about but you got the wrong one." I opened the car door for her, I've been waiting for this moment to fuck her up and this is my chance.
"Yo yall not about to fight in front of Jacai." Safaree yelled.
"Cai go in the house." I said he walked in the house. I heard Cai yell something when he went in the house but I couldn't make it out.
"I'm trying you, bitch." I said, Rihanna got out the car.

"I'm not playing Nicki, I don't want to hurt you." Rihanna said. Safaree looked stunned at what's going on. I took my hoops off and threw them on the sidewalk. I punched Rih straight in her face. He head went back due to the impact of the punch.
"Hurt who bitch!" I yelled.
"What the fuck Nicki?!" Safaree ran over to where we were standing and slightly pushed me out the way.
"Move Safaree." Rih and I said in unison. Rihanna's fist came in contact with my cheek. I grabbed her hair and started swinging on her. Rihanna was swinging as well.
"Onika, Robyn chill!" Safaree pushed us apart and grabbed Rih. I continued to swing though, I even hit him, since he was in the way.
"Nicki what the hell is going on?!" I heard Meeks voice, he ran up to me and grabbed me.
"Meek let me go, this bitch gonna get what's coming to her." I shook him off me and tried to move Safaree away from Rihanna.
"Let her fight Safaree, if the bitch can pop shit, she can get her ass beat."
"Who the fuck is gonna beat my ass bitch?!"
"Stop calling her out of her fucking name! Your not gonna lay another hand on her!" Safaree yelled.
"Don't yell at Nicki! Keep ya girl in check and this wouldn't happen." Safaree let Rih go as Meek went up to him yelling.
"Meek don't start this shit, you know Nicki is out of pocket." They started arguing. As I was watching then argue Rih punched me in the face then stomach. I ignored the pain in my stomach and started punching her again, I pushed her into the side of Safaree's car. She hit her head pretty hard, I kind of felt bad cause her kids were in the car but they were still asleep. All of a sudden I felt her foot hit my stomach. So much pain and anger ran through me. I started punching with all the force I had but I realized Meek was holding on to my hands.
"Let's go Rih." Safaree forced her into the car.
"Don't bring her over my fucking house again! And I don't want her around my son, Safaree!"
"Nicki your a fucking bitch! I'm not gonna stop bringing my son around my wife." Safaree yelled. I took my shoe off and threw it at his car window.
"He's not your son nigga! So what I say goes!" He flicked me off.
"Yo Nic! It's over, it's over." Meek pulled me into a hug, I was crying out of anger. I tried to break out of the hug.
"Let's go in the house! Its time to go in the house Nic." Meek said, we walked in the house. I walked through the living room Papi was just staring at me in confusion. Amirah and Jacai were the love seat asleep.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yea baby I'm fine." I walked to the hallway bathroom and looked in the mirror.
"It's not too bad." I said looking at the bruise on my face. I lifted my shirt up there was a big dark bruise there too.
We were still driving home, we live like 15 or 20 minutes away from Nicki's house. We've been sitting in silence for the past 10 minutes. I don't know what to say.
"Uh- I..." I started to say but I stopped talking and just continued driving.
"I'm sorry this happened Rih."
"Its not your fault she's a fucking psycho."
"It is cause I should have never let it get that far."
"I should have never let her hit you..." I put one of my hands on her lap and keep driving with the other. She put her hand on mine.
"I'm sorry too.. now you can't bring Jacai around." Rihanna said. I was silent thinking about what I'm gonna do about Jacai, it's like someone is always throwing the fact that Cai isn't my son in my face. I don't care what anyone says he's my son. We got the house I carried both Jordan and Aliyah, Raheem walked in the house and went straight to his room.
"Go get in the shower." I yelled to him, after a few minutes I heard the water cut on. I washed Jordan up quickly and laid him down; I did the same with Aliyah. I walked in my room, Rih was staring in the mirror looking at her black eye from Nicki and few other bruises. I grabbed her from behind and kissed her cheek. "You're beautiful."
She slightly smiled. I got a wash cloth and washed her face. She went and got something to hold to her eye. We eventually fell asleep.
Meek is laying beside me sleeping like nothing just happened. I literally just can't fall asleep, I want to but I can't. I actually feel sorry for Rihanna, her face is way more fucked up than mine. I don't know what I'm gonna do when I have to be in the same space with her for the girls dance practices.
I picked up my phone, checked Twitter and Instagram nothing important was on my TL, just tweets from my fans saying they missed me and stuff.
-- Hey Barbz and kenz I missed my babies ☺☺☺☺ I'm thinking about having a greatest hits tour or album. Tell me what you think.
I tweeted.
--make sure you guys let me know soon, Love you guys ❤❤
My feed and mentions started blowing up. I stared up at my ceiling just thinking.
"Should I apologize?" Nah fuck Rih she deserved it. I need to talk to Safaree though so we can figure out how Jacai be around him without being near Rihanna.
Me - Are you up?
I texted him, after about ten minutes he texted me back.
Faree ~ Yea, why?
I can tell he's mad at me.
- I'm about to call you real quick
~i dont want to talk
I called anyway, it rang 3 times then he picked up
"Hey Safaree."
"we need to talk"
"about?" I could hear in voice he was upset with me.
"Jacai.. can we go out to breakfast tmr or something?"
"No I have to work, I'm going to sleep tho gn." I felt like he rolled his eyes when he said that.
"Good night Safaree"
I stared at my phone, I don't think Safaree has ever been this, not even when we broke up. I tried to go to sleep.
Hope yall like this chapter.

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Sorry for any errors.

I'm thinking bout doing a Zafaree story after this one... would you guys read?

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