2 Angel's Boss

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It had been a few weeks since Cara's failed meeting with Adam. The extermination was getting closer and closer and the Morningstar sisters didn't know what to do, Charlie was freaking out. Sir Pentious's arrival at the hotel had eased things a bit even though he had arrived with the purpose of being a spy for the Vs they forgave him. After some good trust exercises the tension between the guests eased.

It was show and tell day and Husk and Angel were arguing about Angel's porn movie. 

-You really going to sit there and act like these scripts ain't hot garbage?---Said Husk. 

Angel gasped at his comment.--- Fuck you, this is classy art. ---He said pointing at the TV. 

Their argument went by until Angel got a call from his Boss Valentino. Cara had met him before in some royal events. She didn't like him at all. 

-Yeah, I'll be right there. ---Said Angel.

Apparently, Valentino needed Angel to go shoot at the studio. Charlie tried to stop him but Angel made clear that unless she could fix his boss there was nothing he could do about it. 

-Why is this so hard? What am I doing wrong? ---Said Charlie. 

-Well, you're the princess of hell.----Said Vaggie, Cara saw where this was going.


--So, you don't really use the power that comes with that, which I love about you, but maybe you should demand a little more authority. 

-She's right sis. ---Said Cara.

-But that's so meaaaan. ---Said Charlie.

-It's not mean is... aggressive kindness. 

-Look Charlie, if you really don't want to, I could go talk to Angel's boss instead of you hm? Would that make you feel better?

Charlie smiled and hugged her sister. --- Yes, thanks Cara. 

-Alright, I'll be right back. ---She left the hotel rethinking whether it was a good idea to offer to talk to Valentino. She knew Charlie would probably make things worse by trying not to be rude. Her sister was clever and capable, but negotiating was just not her thing. 

Cara finally arrived to the studio, she took a deep breath and entered just to find Angel about to get fucked by a big demon who seemed to be wearing some sort of robber costume. As soon as Angel saw her he ran up to her and basically begged her to leave. 

-Please, please Cara just wait until I'm done working and we will talk about this, I promise. But first you've gotta go. 

-Angel, you think I'm here to get you in trouble? I ain't that stupid I swear I won't do or say anything that might get you trouble with Valentino.

-Aaaaah, Your Majesty. ---Said Valentino walking towards them. ---Welcome to my humble sex dungeon.--- He stood in front of Cara and grabbed her arm to lick it. What can I do for such a... lovely specimen. 

-Enough of that Valentino. ---Said Cara. 

-You don't want a roll do you?---- He said pulling her close.--- Because I could make you a star... Make us both reacher than well, your papito

Cara forced a smile.--- I'll have to say no for now Val, but I appreciate the offer. 

-Cuando quieras baby. ---He winked. ---So what are you doing here then? It's been a long time since I last saw you. 

Angel was behind Valentino making desperate signs to Cara for her to just leave. 

-Well I wanted to talk to you about something very important, but I wouldn't want to stand in the way of your work, so why don't we go grab a drink after you finish here? Sounds good? ---Said Cara swallowing her pride inviting Valentino out. 

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