11 Sex in Heaven

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It was 9:30 in the morning when Cara woke up to the sound of her cell phone vibrating. There were multiple messages in it, some from Lucifer asking for explanations of what had happened the night before and a few messages from Be.

Cara didn't want to deal with her father now so she just put her cell phone on the table and prepared to continue sleeping. That was until a loud knocking on the door was heard. It was Charlie.

Cara got up to open the door and returned to her bed.

-I don't even know where to start Cara, what the hell was all that?!

-Shhh, it's too early Charlie.

-Sorry. ——Her sister said, closing the door and sitting on the corner of the bed. ——There are so many things to cover, like the fact that Zestial asked you to dance, or the fact that you left him for Alastor, or how you bought a sinner or....

-I don't want to talk about anything Charlie.

-Oh, anyway, that's not what I came here for.

Cara raised an eyebrow and sat up in bed. -- What are you talking about?

Charlie took out an envelope from her pocket that had Cara's name on it.

-They sent this to Dad's office. It's from Adam.

Cara opened her eyes wide in surprise. ——From Adam, Adam? The asshole I had to deal with at the meeting? Mom's ex?

-Yes, Adam and it's for you.

Charlie opened the envelope and they both read it aloud.

Dear Cara

I have to say that your absence in the shitty meeting I had with your little sister was disappointing since our last encounter, I haven't been able to get you out of my fucking mind. I must admit that you captivated me, but make no mistake, I am not willing to listen to any more shit about this stupid idea of ​​rehabilitating demons. But I must admit that you and I have undeniable chemistry.

We can pretend that the whole situation I had with your mother and how she chose your fucking father over me didn't happen and get to know each other a little better.

The choice is yours love, but I know that you will not be able to resist the temptation to accept my proposal since remember that I am fucking Adam, the original dick, the fucking dick master.

I'm not very patient, dear, so I'm waiting for your response no later than tomorrow night.

A portal to heaven will be opened as soon as you say yes.

SincerelyAdam (The dick fucking master.)

Cara and Charlie were speechless when they finished reading the letter.

-This was in Dad's office?! ——Asked Cara who was worried.

-Yes, but he didn't read it, the envelope was closed. ——-Charlie said ——-Adam seems to like you, hell Cara, those are three in a row. Zestial, Alastor, and Adam.

-Shut up Charlie, he's mom's ex, do you know how sick that sounds?!

-I know, will you accept?

-But of course not!

-Look, I agree, however, who knows, maybe he is open to listening to new proposals...

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