4 Hell's Best Mom

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Vaggie, Charlie, and Cara were preparing the meeting that was going to take place tomorrow morning. 

-Oh my god this is so exciting! ---Said Charlie, who was packing for next day. 

-Yeah, I don't know sis. Adam was an asshole and who knows if the other Angels are going to listen. 

-Cara is right love. Angels are just... Complicated. 

-Come on, where's the positive attitude? I am super happy that I'm going to heaven with the two girls I love the most!

Cara was about to say something when she got a text from her mom. 

-Holy shit! Charlie look at this. ----Cara showed the message to her sister, they were both really surprised. 


"Dear Cara, I understand that you and your sister have a meeting with Heaven tomorrow. Before that, I would like to meet with you to discuss this project you have. Also, I would love to see you, my love. You don't know how much I have missed you."

Cara was shocked but excited at the same time. It's been seven years since she last saw her mom.

-Mom wants to know about our project... Charlie this is awesome!

-Yeah, awesome. ---Charlie seemed a bit down so Vaggie grabbed her hand to confort her. 

Cara replied to her mother's message and they both agreed to meet at a restaurant in half an hour. 

-You know you should come too. This is our project sis, plus I bet mom would be super glad to see you. 

Charlie sighted.--- I don't know Cara, I mean she texted you.


-So that means she didn't thought of me when inviting you for breakfast. 

Cara felt bad for Charlie, she knew exactly how she felt right now. 

-Fine, I'll have to hurry, you know mom, she goes crazy with punctuality.

Cara said goodbye to Vaggie and Charlie. She grabbed a coat and was ready to leave when Alastor intercepted her at the entrance of the Hotel. 

-Morning Cara! 

-Fuck!, you have to stop doing that.

-Where are you going in such hurry? 

-My mom wants to see me to discuss my meeting with Heaven tomorrow. 

Alastor couldn't hide his surprised expression at her comment. 

-You mean Lilith?

Cara frowned.---Yeah, who else?

-Oh well in that case I'll be delighted to go with you. 

-Wait what? Why?

-Because since your father is not even half as nice as you and your dear sister, I would like to meet your mother. I bet she's a beautiful, comprehensive, and intelligent lady. We will surely get along very well. 

Hazbin Hotel Alastor x youHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin