3/2 Hell's best dad

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The door was knocked, and Cara and Charlie got up to open it.

-Okay everyone, it's showtime.—-Said Charlie, opening the door. Lucifer immediately hugged her.

-Charlie! Oh, it's so good to see you.

-It's good to see you too Dad.

After breaking away from the hug, Lucifer turned to see Cara standing behind them with her arms crossed. A chill ran down his spine.

-Hey Dad, I missed you too. —Said Cara.

-Cara.... My sweet baby, how much you have grown I can't believe it, every day you look more like your... Mother.

Lucifer approached her for a hug, but it felt more awkward than Charlie's hug.

Charlie welcomed Lucifer who began to inspect the Hotel from top to bottom. He said hi to Razzle who belonged to Cara and Dazzle who belonged to Charlie.

-Wow this place sure looks... uh...yeah... It's got a lot of character.

-This is just some of the new renovations we had done. Adds a bit of color don't you think? —Said Alastor, who had been watching Lucifer since he stepped foot in the hotel

-And you are?

-Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you, sir. Quite a pleasure. It's nice to finally put a face to the name. You are much shorter in real life.

-Are you the bellhop?—Asked Lucifer.

-I'm the host of the hotel, you might had heard of me from my radio broadcast.

-Mmm, no! I guess that's why Charlie named it the HAZBIN Hotel HA,HA,HA.

-HA,HA,HA, That was actually my idea.

-HA,HA,HA, well it's not very clever.

-HA,HA fuck you.

Cara choked on the water she was drinking, she had never heard Alastor swear before. Charlie introduced the others and everything seemed to be in order.

-Charlie has a very unique vision. —-Said Alastor— I am happy to fulfill her bizarre requests. Quite an impressive young lady We're all very proud of her.

Cara rolled her eyes. "Great another proud daddy for Charlie" she thought. 

-And I'm completely useless of course.——Cara murmured but they heard her.

-Cara, don't say that. —Charlie said putting a hand on her shoulder.

-No, Charlie is fine.--- Cara abruptly pushed her sister's hand away. ——Stay with your two proud daddies, I'll be fine.

After everyone introduced themselves, Lucifer and Alastor fought over who was better playing father, Charlie finally convinced Lucifer to get her a meeting with heaven. Not before having a father-daughter moment that made Cara run to her room and shed more than one tear.

-I'll take care of that.--- Said Alastor.

-Don't you dare. - Lucifer answered him, he moved away and went to his daughter's room.

When he finally entered he saw Cara sitting on her bed hugging her legs.

-Cara sweetie, I honestly don't understand why you make such a fuss.

Cara looked at him in disbelief. — Because it's always been the same with you dad! Why do you hate me so much?! Is it because I look like mom?!

Lucifer's expression softened and he sat on the edge of the bed in front of his daughter. -- But what are you talking about? I don't hate you my love.

--But you prefer Charlie.

-Lucifer remained silent.--- It's more complicated than that, but you both need to know that I love you very much. I would do anything for you. Someday you'll understand darling. 

Lucifer stood up and left his daughter's room. Cara wiped away her tears as she looked in the mirror wondering what was wrong with her?

Meanwhile in the living room. Charlie who was still worried about her sister was saying goodbye to her father. Alastor took advantage of this to go to Cara's room, appearing behind her, scaring her. Alastor had noticed the clear insecurity that Cara's father had created in her, and he wondered if he could use it to his advantage.

-Your father is not as nice as you and your sister. —Alastor said, breaking the awkward silence.

Cara didn't have the energy to tell him to leave her room, so she resigned herself to sitting on her bed.

-I couldn't help but smile at the beautiful father-daughter moment your sister and your father had.

 -And of course, you went to lick Charlie's shoes to make my dad angry.--- Said Cara, who was starting to get fed up with Alastor's teasing. Alastor, on the other hand, widened his smile at her comment.

-I can see that it bothered you more than it bothered him.

-Dont't be stupid and watch your mouth Alastor. Don't forget who you're talking to. ---Cara was about to kick him out. 

Alastor smiled.--- I wont forget to keep your status in mind every time I talk to you. 

-Wait what? That's not what I meant....

Alastor raised an eyebrow and approached her, he had to choose his movements and words well if he wanted this to work out. Alastor brushed a strand of her blonde hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear.

-I think it goes without saying that you are an impressive young lady, capable, rational, ambitious, and clever. I know several greater demons who would kill to have you as the daughter they never had, including yours truly, of course.

Cara raised an eyebrow without realizing she blushed too. This detail did not go unnoticed by Alastor, who was confused since this was not the reaction he expected from Cara.

-Anyway, smile my dear! You're never fully dress without one!

Charlie knocked on the door, looking for Cara to prepare the meeting with Heaven.

Alastor found himself alone in Cara's room without a clear idea of what he was supposed to do. However, one thing was certain - Cara, the princess of hell, needed a paternal figure in her life. Alastor realized that if he could win her affection, he would not only be able to take his revenge on Lucifer but also find a way to break free from his deal and reclaim his freedom.

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