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Vaggie has a nightmare a week after the battle

After an extremely long day in hell, it was finally nighttime. Vaggie was reading bed while Charlie was snuggled up next to her, scrolling through her phone. After stifling another yawn, Vaggie started to feel incredibly sleepy. She had a tiresome day of rebuilding and furnishing the hotel. At least their bedroom was done and they had a place to sleep.

"I'm gonna go to bed, Hon," Vaggie told Charlie as she put down her book. Her eyelids were getting very heavy and her brain wanted to sleep.

"Alright, goodnight. I'll stay up a little longer," The princess of hell kissed Vaggies forehead before turning off the lamp. She remembered when Vaggie first stayed at the hotel, she was absolutely mesmerized by lamps and would stare at them for hours. One time she even caught her on the desk, face 3 inches away from the bulb. Charlie had to pull Vaggie away because she could damage her only good eye. It was a fun memory to chuckle at, even though Vaggie was and still absolutely embarrassed.

As Vaggie snuggled under the covers, the princess of hell turned her screen lighting on its lowest setting and put on quiet soft music that always helped Vaggie fall asleep. After being together for three years, she knew that she had a hard time falling asleep due to being worried that danger was near. You could say she was very protective over Charlie. Eventually they found out that she instantly relaxed enough to go to sleep when lullabies or soft music was played.

"Thanks, honey," Vaggie mumbled. It didn't take long for her body to go limp and her brain entered sleep mode.

Once Charlie heard the moth demon's soft snores, she turned off the music and started to scroll again. It wasn't anything interesting. Well nothing worth writing about.

However, about an hour later, Charlie felt something appear and smack her back. She turned around and saw that Vaggies wings appeared while she slept. That wasn't the concerning thing though. The wings looked like they were acting as a shield, covering Vaggie. It looked more like the demon equivalent of a dog with its tail between its legs. It was sad to look at because the view made her seem so vulnerable.

Charlie was about to sit up to investigate but she began lightly thrashing and muttering. Her wings were trying to shield her even more and she looked like a child hiding behind her parents legs. Charlie sat up, wondering what she should do. She tried listening to what Vaggie was murmuring but it was all gibberish or spanish. But once she heard whimpers, she immediately knew she had to act. It was definitely a nightmare.

"Vaggie! Wake up, you're having a nightmare," Charlie whispered. She tried shaking her but her wings thought she was a threat and tried smacking her away. It was more of a push though.

Vaggies breathing started to pick up and a tear started to crawl down her cheek. More and more whimpers were appearing and she had started to kick the air slightly.

"Sweetie, please wake up!" Charlie said louder. This time, Vaggie shot up, hyperventilating. Her wings were still protecting her as she was in this vulnerable state.

"Hey, Hey! It's okay, it was just dream," Charlie petted her wings and hair, waiting for Vaggie to calm down as she was still hyperventilating.

"Deep breaths, Babe," She instructed her girlfriend. She still continued to pet her but she must've touched a sore spot because Vaggie gasped and curled in on herself.

"Sorry," Charlie apologized before rubbing her scalp instead. That was less risky and it was a good way to relax the moth demon.

Vaggie finally calmed down and retracted her wings, sensing how there was no danger nearby. There was a moment of quiet as she enjoyed the nice massage on her head.

"Do you... Do you want to talk about it?" Charlie asked. Vaggie nodded.

"I- I had a flashback f-from when we met... B-but in the dream, i was tortured instead and, and, you watched... you said i deserved it..." She whispered the last part. She didn't know why she dreamed of that. Was she really that afraid of Lute? Or did she not trust Charlie? She felt really bad and wanted to start crying just by remembering it.

"Oh, baby, its okay, you can cry if you need to," Charlie wrapped her in a hug, sensing her need to sob. And so, thats what she did. She cried into Charlie's chest while mumbling "I'm sorry," over and over again.

"What are you sorry for?" She asked the moth demon once she was finished crying her eyes out.

"I sh-shouldn't have d-dreamed of you saying that t-to me..." She stuttered.

"No, no, its okay, I know you meant no harm. I think you're still afraid of me hating you because of your past," Charlie suggested. Vaggie struggled a bit with how Charlie perceived her and was really nervous that she was still upset with her and was just being kind.

Charlie went to grab her hand but because of the darkness, she accidentally touched her injured one. She heard Vaggie hiss in pain and saw her flinch.

"Sorry, that was the injured one, wasn't it?" Vaggie nodded.

She held the healthy hand and squeezed it.

"Listen, don't feel like you need punishment because of something that happened in the past. I believe that the reason you were... heavily hurt in your dream was because you still feel like you deserve punishment. I love you, okay? And nothing will make me stop loving you. If i can still love you after knowing about your exorcist life, then I don't think you need to be punished," Charlie assured her.


"Nope! You don't deserve anything bad. You proved that redemption works! You're a better demon. Now, do you wanna cuddle to help you fall back to sleep?" Vaggie smiled and nodded. Charlie pulled her close and she snuggled up with her. She put the soft music back on and luckily, Vaggie seemed to fall back to sleep within minutes.

Charlie was still very worried about her girlfriend. She knew she needed therapy and there weren't exactly licensed therapists in hell. Maybe when the hotel is fixed, the first activities they'll do will be about self-worth. 

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