Body Problems

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Summary: Charlie has the best idea for a date ever! Unfortunately, While getting ready, Vaggie becomes very insecure about her body and breaks down. Luckily Charlie comforts her.


“Vaggie, Vaggie, Vaggie, Vaggie!” Charlie ran into the mini library where Vaggie was reading a book. This day was one of the only day’s that they had free time and weren’t doing any activities to help redeem sinners.

“Huh, What?” She looked up, a little surprised. 

“I just had the best idea!” She prompted. “You know how we haven’t been on a date in like 8 months?”


“I want to take you out!” she said. This was the best idea ever. Both of them needed a break from everyone, even though they slept in the same bed and were near each other almost all the time, they needed a date night. They haven’t had one in so long. It would be fun!

“I don’t know, Charlie… what if the hotel gets attacked while we’re gone?” 

“Alastor will take care of it. You don’t gotta protect everyone, silly,” Charlie ruffled her girlfriend’s hair.

“I guess it has been a while since we went on a date… alright, lets do it!” Vaggie shut her books and got up from her seat.

“Wait, wait, what we’re doing is a surprise. You go get ready while I prepare the date,” Charlie kissed her cheek.

“But don’t you need to get ready too?” Vaggie asked.

“Babe, you know I slay in a tux, no matter the occasion,” Charlie said confidently. Vaggie chuckled at the pure cinnamon roll of her girlfriend.

“Well, maybe not in bed,” whispered Vaggie in a seductive voice. She inched closer, putting a hand on her shoulder. She looked into Charlies eyes, swooning in her own head. Charlie moved closer too as Vaggie tried to stand up tall. Their lips connected and vaggie put both hands on Charlies cheek’s. Charlie put her hands on Vaggie’s waist. They pulled apartbut only about an inch before passionately colliding their mouths together. 

“Wait, wait, you have to get ready,” Charlie pulled apart. Vaggie whined slightly but knew that they didn't have time for this right now. 

Charlie knew exactly what she was planning. She was going to take Vaggie on a perfect, picnic date on a hill behind the hotel. It was also a perfect day. Luckily the sun would start setting in about two hours, so the two of them could watch the sunset together and get all snuggly and share their feelings and swoon over each other.

As Charlie was setting up the picnic basket in the hill in the back, Vaggie was quietly freaking out over what to wear. She wanted to be perfect. But her body wasn't perfect. She was flat. Not skinny. Her nose was so long, she looked like a witch. And her arms and hands were covered in battle scars. She was a bit muscle-y but had a bit of meat on her bones. At least that's what she thought. She found that she had gained weight from the past couple of months. It really hurt her and she constantly tried not to cry every time she looked at the scale. It made her feel worthless and ugly. Her nose was so masculine but also looked like an ugly witch nose.

Vaggie looked through her closet, trying to find something that'll cover her up a little more. Maybe that was why Charlie hadn't taken her on a date in a while. She was disgusting for letting herself go. So she grabbed a white short-sleeve dress shirt and black sweater vest and put it on. It covered her up a little bit. She put on a black and red plaid skirt and finally rolled on her gloves. She looked a tiny bit better. Her stomach didn't show like it did with her crop top polo shirt.

She stared at herself in the mirror for a while, thinking ‘why can't I just be perfect?’ She couldn't start crying though, Charlie was probably waiting for her. 

“You almost ready? You've been in there a while,” Just on cue, Charle knocked on the door.

“Yeah, I'll be right out,” Vaggie called back. She sighed, looking at herself one last time before trotting over to the door and opening it. 

Charlie stared at her, blushing  behind the red circles on her cheeks. She thought Vaggie looked absolutely stunning. However, Vaggie thought she was staring because she noticed how imperfect her body was.

“You look…Amazing!” Charlie complimented. 

“You… you don't have to lie, Charlie,” Vaggie mumbled. Charlie sensed immediately that something was wrong through her defeated look and mumbling.

“I'm not lying, though,” She doubled downed.

“But I look so… ugly, my nose is weird and I've been gaining weight…” she tugged at her other arm with her hand.

“No, sweetie, you're not ugly,” Charlie took her hand and cupped it with both of hers. She looked Vaggie in the eyes. 

“Honey, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my hundred years in hell. You are amazing, and shit, I don't even care about what you look like, I love you no matter what,” She promised.

Vaggie’s eyes watered and her lips quivered. She ran into Charlies chest and hugged her. She needed comfort from her biggest supporter. The whole day she had been feeling unworthy of food and love. She thought she didn't deserve it with her disgusting ass self. Now she just felt emotional. All of the icky feelings she had over the couple of weeks came out in tears and sobs.

“There, there, babe. It's okay, we all become our biggest enemy at times,” Charlie told her. She wanted her girlfriend to feel loved.

“I'm sorry I didn't realize sooner that you were so self-conscious. I promise that I'll constantly comfort you whenever your mean thoughts get into your head. But you have to promise me one thing,” Charlie said. She pulled away a little and put her hands on her shoulders.

“What's that?” Vaggie sniffled.

“That you come to me whenever you're feeling like you're hideous or disgusting. Please, come get me when these thoughts get to you. You could easily develop an eating disorder-” Vaggie tensed at the words, “And your mental health could get really bad,” said Charlie.

“O-okay, I promise…” Vaggie answered. Charlie gave her one final hug before stepping away.

“Now come on, let's go on this date, I have a fun couple hours planned,” Charlie grabbed her hand and pulled her down the stairs. Vaggie laughed a genuine laugh to see how excited Charlie was to take her on this date.

The picnic was absolutely amazing. The food that Charlie prepared were pretty simply but just spending time together while watching the sun start to set made everything feel terrific. 

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