Sick Days

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Summary: you can tell by the title


Vaggie had woken up that day feeling restless and sore. Right off the bat, she could tell that it was going to be a shitty day. She rolled over to the side so she and Charlie could have morning cuddles but found the bed lacking a certain hellborn. Sitting up, she checked the time, wondering if she had just gotten up early or if she slept late. It was 9:30. Shit, she was late. Charlie never had the courage to wake up her sleeping beauty.

Vaggie quickly sprung out of bed but right away regretted it because she got extremely dizzy and nauseous and she developed a headache. She shook it off and started to get dressed.

When she got downstairs, she saw that Charlie and the rest of the group were already starting on activities. They were doing some sort of ice breaker activity.

“Hey Vaggie, Glad you could join us!” Charlie greeted her, “Did you have breakfast yet?”

Vaggie shook her head, “I’m not hungry,”

“Okay… but please eat something,” She held up a few pieces of fruit that she had for the whole group to enjoy. Vaggie nervously took a few and consumed them.

During the whole activity, she felt herself get worse and worse. Halfway through, she almost fell asleep because of how tired she was. She got barely any sleep during the night because of how bad her nose was stuffed.

She was half conscious a little while later when she felt someone tap her shoulder. She looked up and saw that it was Charlie.

“You okay, Hon? It’s break time," she said. Vaggie yawned before slowly standing itch in her throat caught her off guard and she fell into a coughing fit. Charlie was by her side, rubbing her back and telling her that it was okay.

“I’m fine,” She answered, clearing her throat.

“Are you sure? Maybe you should lie down,” she suggested. Vaggie tensed. If she were to find out that she was sick, Charlie would probably take the day off to take care of her.

“No, really, I’m fine, I’ll get the next activity ready,” She said before trotting off to the kitchen. They would be cooking together as a bonding activity.

Charlie wanted to rebut, however, Vaggie escaped the conversation before she could say anything. She was really worried for her. She could tell that her girlfriend was hiding something.

During their break, Charlie joined Vaggie in the kitchen. She saw how she struggled to clean the area and get everything ready. She could barely lift up a box and she stopped and started panting. As if she were in pain.

“Shit, Vaggie, be careful!” Charlie went to grab the box out of her hands.

“I- I’m fine..” Vaggie said before she began to sway. Everything hurt. Lifting that box up didn't do any good and made everything worse.

She covered her mouth, before turning to the side, away from Charlie and the box, and spilled the bits of fruit. She coughed, and Charlie could tell she had tears running down her eyes

“It's okay, sweetie, you're alright,” Charlie rubbed her back as more bile started to come out of her mouth.

Vaggie was beyond embarrassed. Here was Charlie, trying to comfort her throwing up girlfriend while she was just trying to work.

“I'm *cough* sorry,” Vaggie choked out before heaving. Her headache got insanely bad and she started to feel like she was about to pass out.

“No, Vaggie, don't be sorry, you can control it,” Charlie continued to rub her back and then pressed a kiss to her head.

After her body seemed content and satisfied, she collapsed into Charlies arms, blacking out from how hard she heaved and how tired she was.

When she eventually regained consciousness, she found herself in her and Charlie's shared king sized bed. It was really comfortable and she wanted to go back to sleep but Charlie immediately noticed she had woken up.

“Vaggie!” She hugged her tightly, “I didn't think you'd wake up! You were running a high fever after you passed out,”

“Is that why my skin feels really salty?” She tried cracking a joke. It felt like she had sweated an ocean but then chilled down in a freezer.

“Yeah, I need to change out your ice pack too,” Charlie reached up and grabbed Vaggies ice pack from her forehead. It had gone warm. Vaggie couldn’t feel it because of the headache.

As Charlie replaced the ice pack, Vaggie felt really guilty that she was making her worry this much about her. Vaggie was usually the protector, the guardian, not the other way around. She;s not used to being treated like this. It actually felt kind of nice. But the guilt out-weighed the nice feeling.

“Char, I’m sorry I’m making you take care of me, I’m fine and i shouldn;t be taking up your time,” She confessed. Charlie looked at her with a flabbergasted expression.

“Babe, don’t you ever say sorry for me taking care of you. I get that you’re usually the one who is protective and strong, but you can be vulnerable every now and then. You can let other people take care of you, you don’t have to be the reliable one all the time,” counseled Charlie. She took Vaggies hand.

“O-okay, I’ll try…” Vaggie sniffled. She knew it’d be hard to start letting people see her vulnerable but she knew it’d help their relationship. Charlie hugged her again but pulled away when she heard Vaggie wince. Her stomach still hadn’t fully stopped hurting, even though she was completely empty.

“Sorry, sorry, is your tummy still bothering you?” vaggie nodded.

“Do you think you can stomach some soup? You need to eat something, especially since you haven’t eaten anything today,” She suggested. Vaggie shrugged but agreed that she should probably eat something. So she let Charlie heat up some soup for her.

When she returned with the piping hot soup, she insisted that she fed her. Even though it was pretty embarrassing for Vaggie, she couldn't help but feel a sense of love in it. Maybe being vulnerable around your loved ones was great.

She managed to finish the whole bowl of soup before Charlie decided she should get some more rest. However, Vaggie didn’t want to be alone. She asked if Charlie would stay with her while she slept and luckily, she did. Charlie made sure she was extra comfy in bed before cuddling up next to her. She kissed her goodnight before throwing an arm over her, spooning Vaggie. The day wasn’t the best, but if it ended with Vaggie and Charlie cuddling, than the day would be okay.

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