Flare up

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Having wings was the best and the worst in Vaggies opinion. She was no longer intimidated by tall shelves, she could kiss Charlie on the forehead, she had a height advantage in battle finally, and Charlie thought they looked hot. But a few downsides were definitely having to preen them, the reminders of heaven, and oh yeah, her back pain got worse. She used to have chronic pain from the trauma her back endured when her wings were ripped off. It was basically like someone ripping your leg off. She had a lot of phantom pains but unfortunately they got worse when she did get her wings back. Why did they get worse? Her back now had to work a lot more and she had to use her core more when flying. It made her back sore almost all the time. Unfortunately, she would also get intense flair ups. Basically, it was when her already sore back would get increased pain at random times. Sometimes it was brought on by something or it was just random.

In order to stop Charlie from worrying whenever her flair ups would happen, she would try to hide them the best she could. She knew it wasn’t the best to lie but she didn’t want her partner to spend a lot of time on her when she could be worrying about the hotel. If she knew, she might suggest that she stay out of bad situations in case her pain was flaring up. That would be horrible because then Vaggie wouldn’t be able to protect her princess.

However, one day, that all changed.

Vaggie was helping out with the activities as normal, trying to work on redeeming Angel and doing things that were personalized to helping him. They were doing a bean bag toss game mixed with a therapy lesson where every time you missed the whole, you had to restate the coping mechanism you would use when you have urges.

It was Vaggie’s turn to toss and she made it in the hole first try. Alastor came up from behind her and slapped her back.

“Great job, dear!” He congratulated her with a very mocking smile. She couldn’t even pay attention as she felt pain building up. It was getting mighty strong that she could barely move. She held her breath, trying to wait for it to pass but it didn’t.

“Oi, Toots, mind moving?” Angel asked as it was now his turn.

“R-right, sorry,” She tries her best to move back to the end of the line. Charlie could sense something was wrong and went up to her.

“Babe, are you okay, that seemed to have really hurt you,” Charlie asked with worry in her voice.

“Y-yeah, the slap just scared me is all,” She assured. Charlie left her alone, trusting her partner enough.

As the activity went on, the flare up got worse. It continued to build up with every moment. Her head was starting to throb in coherence with her back. It was actual torture just trying to move. She didn’t even try when her turn came next to throw the bag. It caused her so much agony.

Charlie could tell something was up with vaggie. She was acting so secretive but also like she was suffering. She hated seeing her partner hurt and tried to talk to her about it again but Vaggie quickly changed and avoided the topic.

When Vaggies turn came once again, she was scared. She was now feeling really lightheaded and the agony was horrible. She wanted to rip the flesh out of her back. She just wanted the pain to go away. It took everything for her to not moan and whimper in pain with every step she took to get to the front. When she bent over to pick up the bag, she felt her legs start to shake and her vision was getting wonking. She stood back up and swayed.

The pain suddenly reached its peak. She grunted and fell to the floor, almost passing out in the process.

“Vaggie!” Charlie ran up to her and sat down with her on the floor and set her head in her lap.

Vaggie whimpered, not being able to keep up the mask anymore. Her breathing was labored and heavy. She gripped tightly to Charlies pant leg.

“It hurts…so bad. Make it go away…” she cried softly. It was too much. She needed help. Now she had to ask for it.

“What hurts?” Charlie asked with concern filling her voice. After getting more whines in return, she asked again, “Please tell me, baby,”

“B-back. F-flare up…” Vaggie whimpered. Even talking made her pain worse. She was sweating from shoving the feelings down.

Luckily, Charlie knew what this meant. She knew that Vaggie had chronic pain and flare ups but never knew they were this bad. Vaggie would only ask for a painkiller, saying it wasn’t bad enough that she needed anything more. Charlie always offered to give her a massage but Vaggie always turned her down, saying that it really wasn’t that bad. And of course, she believed her.

So, when Vaggie told her about the flare ups, crying, Charlie knew it was bad.

“Angel, go grab an ice pack from the freezer, Husk, get an over-the-counter painkiller from the medicine cabinet in the bathroom,” She commanded. The two split up, grabbing the things, now knowing how serious this was due to Charlie’s tone.

“It’s okay, sweetie, the pain will be gone soon, I promise,” She tightly embraced her head and kissed her forehead. Charlie gently tried to massage her back.

“a-AH” Vaggie yelped in pain. Charlie quickly took her hands back, seeing the negative reaction.

Angel returned with multiple ice packs and a heating pad, just in case. He used to have flare ups in his back from when he first started his porn career, so he knew how to deal with them. He wasn’t used to the intense work days so he would often have back pain.

“Here. If these don’t work in the next five to ten minutes, try the heating pad instead,” he advised. Charlie mumbled a thank you before placing them everywhere on Vaggies back. Charlie was still sitting on the floor, criss-cross, with Vaggies head in her lap.

Husk came back with a water bottle and a bottle of pills. He handed them to Chralie and she proceeded to take two out.

“Open up, honey,” She told Vaggie in a soft and calming voice. Vaggie moved her head slightly and opened her mouth. Charlie set the two pills in her mouth and held the water to her lips. After she swallowed the water, making the pills go down, she laid her head back down in her lap.

After about 4 minutes of Vaggie laying down on Charlie, she stopped whimpering. Charlie saw this as progress. Everyone was sitting around them, waiting anxiously. It scare them to see their strongest shoulder cry in pain due to back problems. They could only imagine how bad it must be.

Finally after about 12 minutes, the pain died down. She felt so much better, but still kept her head in her lap. It felt nice. Her lap was warm and comforting. Any parts of Charlie were warm and comforting if she’s being honest.

“M sorry for making you all worry,” She apologized. Being a burden to people made her feel a bit weird and awkward. She doesn’t know how to react because she wasn’t used to people caring.

“Ay, don’t worry ‘bout it, toots. I understand how bad d’ees flare ups can get. If ya ever want to talk ‘bout it, I’m here,” Angel told her. Even though they fought a lot, he still tried to bond with her in ways.

“Thanks…” Vaggie mumbled tiredly. All that agony really tuckered her out. And Charlie was extremely comfy and she wanted to savor the moment.

“How about we move you to bed?” Charlie asked.

“Mk” she replied. Charlie handed the ice packs and heating pad to Angel before lifting her fallen angel up. The pornstar followed them up to their room and helped Vaggie get situated. They had her lie on her stomach on the bed with the ice packs on top of her.

Even though she hated being a burden to people, it was nice to know that people actually care about her. She wasn’t very used to it because of how brutal heaven was. But she was slowly getting better and that's all that mattered.

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