I'm Here For You

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Summary: Charlie suffers from depression but masks it really well and makes everyone think she's all cupcakes and rainbows all the time. Vaggie knows the truth though and comes to her rescue when she has a bad depressive episode.


Charlie was feeling like absolute shit. She really didn't want to get out of bed. But vaggie was already up and getting ready so she decided to do the same. She felt sluggish and like there was no point in living. She wondered if Vaggie would even care if she was gone. Was she actually doing anything to redeem sinners? Or was it all just a waste of time just like how she was a waste of space. She shook her head, trying to get those bad thoughts out of her head.

She finished getting ready before heading down the stairs to the main lobby. She hadn't gotten much sleep the night before due to insomnia. She had very obvious bags under her eyes that she didn't even try to hide. She didn't have the energy nor the motivation.

The day wasn't great. She felt as though she would break down crying at any moment. The bad thoughts of wanting to hurt herself kept coming back every hour and she just wanted them to stop. It was excruciating to deal with and she wished she could curl up in bed and die.

The worst part was that the entire morning, they talked about how to keep heaven from surprise attacking but that just reminded Charlie about how she's made the situation a lot worse just by trying to help.

Vaggie seemed worried for her girlfriend when she noticed her moving her food around her plate at lunch. The two lovebirds had their lunches together, unlike the rest of the residents who ate in their rooms.

Charlie really didn't have an appetite. She didn't have the motivation to eat. A frown had unknowingly formed on her face as she spiraled more and more. Vaggie noticed because she had tried to snap her out of her trance.

"Hon? You okay?" she asked, putting a hand on her's. Charlie looked up from her food and nodded.

"I'm just having one of those days, y'know?" Charlie tried to put it off, but Vaggie could tell it was something more. She acted so differently now that she wasn't around the others. She looked more sad. It made Vaggie worry for her partner. She knew Charlie often dealt with depression and tried the best she could to help.

"Are you sure? You know I'm here for you," Vaggie squeezed her hand with reassurance. Charlie tried to say something back but the words were caught in her throat. She choked before the dam was set free. Tears freely flowed down her cheeks as she began sobbing. Vaggie quickly got out of her chair and moved over to comfort her.

"It's okay, It's okay," she repeated into her lover's ear as she hugged her tightly. Charlie tried to reach for a knife, so she could stop crying over something so stupid. However, Vaggie noticed what she was trying to do and quickly snatched it and threw it across the room.

"I'm not gonna let you hurt yourself, sweetie. Just take deep breaths," Vaggie instructed. Charlie tried but her sobbing was so much that it was difficult. She just wanted it to end. For Vaggie to stop panicking over her, for heaven to just leave hell alone, for her to stop annoying random strangers by her stupidly obnoxious singing!

She sobbed harder into Vaggies arms and Vaggie kept comforting her. She whispered encouraging words into her ears and rubbed her back. The tears weren't stopping and the sobs just got louder. Vaggie would shoo away anyone that would try to come close to her. She wrapped her wings around Charlie, her soft feathers soothing the woman. It blocked out the overstimulating light and helped her become grounded. It was like a weighted blanket on top of her.

She began to calm down and was soon well enough to cooperate. Vaggie pulled her wings back, but still hugged Charlie.

"Are you okay, now?" she asked. Charlie nodded slightly. She was about to stand up to apologize to everyone for having a breakdown, but Vaggie swept her off of her feet and carried her bridal style to her room. She didn't even try to argue. She knew she needed this.

When they got to their room, Vaggie sat her on their bed before taking her shoes off and Charlies. She climbed into bed with her and pulled her close.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she offered. Charlie nodded, wanting to get these feelings off of her chest.

"I've been feeling really depressed lately. I don't know if it's anxiety or my depression but i feel like I make everything worse. And then i have to put on this cheerful act so I don't worry others or annoy them by fucking dumping all of my damn problems onto them!" Charlie curled her legs towards her chest and rested her head on her knees.

"Sometimes I wish I wasn't immortal and I could just die," she whispered.

"I'm so sorry you feel that way. If theres anything i can do to help, please tell me. You've listened to me dump my issues, you can dump yours too," Vaggie told her. She didn't want her girlfriend to be feeling like this any longer. She knew it sucked a lot, as she's dealt with a lot of depression and guilt in the past.

"Thank you, Vaggie, I love you so much," She snuggled up close to her, resting her head on her breasts. Vaggie put on arm around her so it would be a more comfortable position.

"Are my tits good pillows?" Vaggie joked. Charlie smiled and laughed.

"Yes, they are fantastic," She answered back in a playful tone.

"Want to put on some comedy to help?" Vaggie suggested.

"Nah, I think cuddling with you is the best remedy for this," She told her. They both smiled.

The two cuddled and kept each other company until Charlie was feeling better.

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