T'is But A Scratch

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Summary: vaggie comes home to the hotel after a late night of training with Carmilla. Charlie has waited for her to come home and finds out she's hurt pretty badly. She cleans her up and takes care of her

Request by Hacker858

Vaggie stumbled into the hotel, looking exhausted and hurt. She had just come back from training with Carmilla. Her mentor had her workout until 1 in the morning. So it was dark inside the hotel and everyone seemed to be asleep. However, the mess hall light was still on, so vaggie went over to turn it off. It was hard getting to the mess hall since she had taken a bad blow to the ankle. However, when she hobbled in, she noticed that there was one person who was not asleep yet. Charlie.

"Vaggie! You're back!" Charlie gets up from her seat and rushes over to vaggie, her tea completely forgotten. When Vaggie hadn't returned home by the time she usually did, she refused to go to bed and waited for her to come back to the hotel. She's about to hug her but then sees that she's covered in cuts and bruises.

"What happened?!" she yelled. Her girlfriend was wounded and injured and it made her so worried. Sure, Vaggie had come home with a few bruises but not as bad as they were now. She was sure her wings were also pretty wounded as well

"Carmilla went a little hard on me tonight. She offered to help patch me up but I didn't want to keep you up. You should go to bed, babe, i can take care of myself," Vaggie said, trying to play it off as not a big deal.

"Nope, come on, we're gonna patch you up," Charlie then lifts Vaggie up and starts to carry her upstairs. She's not gonna let Vaggie go through this all by herself.

"I can walk, hun," Vaggie tries to say.

"I'm not risking you getting more hurt," Charlie declares, walking into their room and leading her into the bathroom. She had seen vaggie limping a little when she walked in. She lifts her onto the counter and gets out the first aid kit from under the sink.

"Alright, can you extend your wings please?" She asked, wanted to know what exactly she'll be working with.

"I- uh, they're not that bad," Vaggie fibs, keeping them hidden.

"Vaggie," Charlie warns her, knowing that she's lying.

"Fine, fine," Vaggie pops out her wings. There's a huge gash on her right wing and a bunch of dirt in between her feathers. It looks pretty bad and feels awful. She blushes at her moment of vulnerability.

"Holy shit!" Charlie exclaims and quickly opens up the kit.

"This looks really bad... what exactly are you doing with Carmilla?" She asks, dripping alcohol onto a cotton ball and dabbing it onto the huge gash in her wing.

"Ah!" Vaggie winces as it stings, "Carmilla wanted to train with angelic steel weapons instead of the normal steel. She was a bit harder on me than usual too,"

"You need to stop letting yourself get injured. I hate seeing you come home in bruises. I don't want you coming home covered in blood," Charlie frowns, starting to wipe off some of the blood that dripped down her feathers. She wrapped the wing and started to clean out the dirt from both wings.

When she was finished with the wings, she began to clean up Vaggie's face. She taped some gauze on her cut cheek, before cupping it and giving it a kiss.

Vaggie giggles at the small show of affection. Charlie always knew how to make her feel better.

Charlie looked over the rest of her body and disinfected all of the cuts. There was a pretty bad looking bruise on her ankle though and she worried it was fractured.

"Okay, 1 to 10 how bad does it feel when i push on it, and please be honest," Charlie explained before lightly applying pressure to the bruised area.

Vaggie hissed and flinched. "7 ish" she replied truthfully

"Seems like it could be a sprain," Charlie concluded as she examined it more, "We'll get it x-rayed in the morning. For now, I'm going to wrap it up, but you better not be on your feet for the rest of the night, okay? If you need to use the bathroom, wake me up. If you're thirsty, wake me up. And anything you need, you wake me up, got it?"

"Got it..." Vaggie mumbled. She didn't like feeling this weak and vulnerable but knew Charlie was just trying to help her.

Charlie grabbed some ace bandages and wrapped them around her foot and ankle nice and snug. Razzle came into the bathroom to see what was going on. He was woken up by Charlie's frantic worrying.

"Razzle, can you get an ice pack from the freezer downstairs and a towel?" Charlie asked. Razzle nodded and bahed before flying out the door and into the kitchen.

Charlie finished cleaning Vaggie's wounds up and carried her back to the bed. She put a pillow under her foot and when Razzle came back with the ice pack and towel, she wrapped the ice pack with the towel around her ankle and gave it a little kiss, to help it heal faster. Sure, it wasn't realistic but it still made Vaggie smile.

Charlie climbed under the covers on her side of the bed and slung an arm around Vaggie's small body.

"You know i love you, right?" she whispered in her ear.

"I know, sweetie, I love you too," Vaggie snuggled into Charlie's touch.

Charlie fell asleep that night knowing that Vaggie was safe with her.

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