You'll Be in My Heart

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Y/N's POV - Wednesday, October 11th

              After Carlos posted the picture of him and Ben, people freaked out. Everyone was trying to figure out how they had missed it, who the mother was and if he was in a relationship with her. The situation at the Scuderia was especially hectic, but Carlos avoided the subject. Charles and I also did our best not to mention Ben around everybody else.

                But, on the bright side, things between Carlos and I started changing a little and both our relationships as colleagues and co-parents got even better. We grew closer in both, but somehow it began to show and people would comment about it behind our backs. Carlos and I were currently in the hospitality room discussing something about his car when one of his mechanics, Gio, came in.

"Hey guys, what's up?", he greeted.

"Hey, Gio.", Carlos and I greeted.

We both went back to our conversation, but we're soon interrupted.

"Okay, I can't hold it any longer... what's going on between you two?"

"Nothing!", we both exclaimed at the same time.

"Uh-huh.", Gio replied.

"It's the truth.", I clarified.

"Well, if there's nothing going on between the two of you, then you don't mind if I ask her out on a date, do you?", he said, turning to Carlos.

"Uhm, I, uh- she's, uh, she's free to make her own choices. Go ahead and ask her.", Carlos mumbled. He looks so adorable when he mumbles.

             As much as it was true, Carlos' words hurt me more than I expected. We were just colleagues co-parenting a kid... he would never want something to do with me.

"Via, will you go out with me?", Gio asked as he turned to me.

            I looked at Carlos, unconsciously wishing he would intervene and say no, but he didn't.

"Sure, I will.", I replied with a half-smile.

"Why don't we exchange numbers so we can set the time and place?"


              As we exchanged numbers, I looked up and realized Carlos had left the room.

"So, Friday work for you?", Gio asked.

"Yeah, but I'll need to tell the babysitter before we set a time."

"You have a kid?"

"Yeah, a boy."

"I'd love to meet him sometime."

"Maybe one day..."

Carlos' - POV - Wednesday, October 11th

            I quietly left the room before my hurt showed on my face. I was so distracted by the situation that I ran head first into Charles.

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