Chapter Two: Butterbeer&Plans

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"We are taking two brooms, right?" I asked confirming with Weasley that I would not have to ride behind him on his broom.

The two of us exit the main Hogwarts doors and make our way to Madam Kogawas office where our brooms were stored. "Oh, yeah we can if you would like."

I nodded. "I would prefer it, I might be doing other things after our Butterbeer. If that's alright of course."

"It's not a problem, I promise."

The two of us finally reach broom storage and finally grab our rides. "I'll see ya out there." Garrett says as he takes off on his broom, soon followed by me.

Once Garreth and I got to the Hogsmeade entrance we dismounted from our brooms and walked the rest of the way to the Three Broomsticks.

"Thank you again for...well for accepting my invitation." Garreth smiled as he pulled out an open chair for me at an empty table.

"Well, I guess thank you for considering me and asking me over anyone else." I smiled back to him.

Garreth took our brooms and placed them against the wall right by our table. "Well, Professor Sharp told me a few things while I was up at his desk and uh...I was very worried."

"My father? Did he threaten you?" I asked.

"Well...almost. Hey, let me go order our trifles and Butterbeers, I'll explain after." Garreth says momentarily leaving the table.

Garreth finally comes back to the table announcing that a house elf will be right over with them.

"So what's this stuff my father's been saying to you?" I asked Garreth now slightly concerned.

"Oh well when he assigned me as your partner he also told me...well he didn't tell me to seduce you in anyway but he told me to be flirty with you. He wants you to go out with me instead of being on and off with Sebastian. He told me that if I failed then he would fail me for the semester..."

"Wow so he did make a threat? You would think father would want me to keep it in line though."

Garreth shook his head. "I don't know what you mean."

"I mean, my father and I both belong to Slytherin."

"Two Butterbeers and Trifles." Says the elf assigned to our table.

"Why thank you." I take the drinks from the trays as Garreth takes the trifles. "We appreciate you." I smile kindly to the elf, and they walk away happy.

"You were saying?" Weasley asked sipping his drink.

"Well, I was just saying seeing as my father and I are both in the Slytherin house...and we're would think he would want me to keep the dating that way..."

"But I am a pureblood." Garreth says.

"Yes, I know that. But you are not in Slytherin which is my point."

"Oh, I see. Does your father hate Gryffindor?"

"No." I spoke quickly "it's just the two houses are seen as enemies and I guess my father wants to keep it that way." I finally answered eating my trifle.

After swallowing a bite I spoke again. "Listen Garreth, you're a sweetheart...really you are. I appreciate you bringing me here, even though your grades were threatened. But I don't know if I can see myself actually dating you long term. and I are already such good friends...I can't ruin that."

Garreth huffed for a moment. "Oh thank goodness. Honestly I feel the same way..."

"Wait, you do?" I asked him.

He nodded. "Besides, I've always had an eye for Sophronia....i really like her." He blushes just a bit.

"Aw, Garreth that's really sweet..I think you should really go for it."

"But what about your father?" He asked.

Shit. I forgot about his grades being threatened.

I thought for a moment.

"I got it!" I exclaimed. "Well act like everything's good, but the moment one of our friends comes around...or my father, we'll start arguing and fighting...just roll with it you know?"

Garreth nodded. "Got it. So whenever we're apart what do we do?"

"We keep up the act. Tell them we've been fighting recently."

~? POV~

"I can't believe they are over there right now." He said.

"Are you kidding me? You're still hung up over her? I knew I shouldn't have agreed to a date, I'm out of here!" I stood up out of my chair before I was begged to sit back down.

"No, I couldn't care less about her. I'm here with you! Besides only meant it as...she could do so much better, than Weasley."

"Oh yeah, like who?"



"No. Ominis."

"Ominis? Ominis Gaunt? That Ominis?" I asked completely shocked.

"Yes. That Ominis."

I was still in shock. "You really think that Ominis, the kid that's been too shy to ask her out since 5th year is gonna do it now?"

He nodded. "Wait what?"  He was now shocked.

"Yeah, you never knew? Ominis was always so jealous of you guys." I laughed. "I can't believe it my god Sebastian it was so damn obvious!"

"Whatever, I guess we got to plan on hooking them up now."

"Of course. You work on Garreth I'll get the girl."

"It's perfect."

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