Chapter 10: Savior

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We all made it to Feldcroft and there was no sign of Sebastian, but a clear sign that enemies have been there.

"I think someone beat us to it." Amit commented.

Feldcroft was now a region of ruins, all except for one house.

I started going in the direction of that house, no one followed me. But as I approached the house, Ominis caught up with me.

"I can't allow you to go in there." He said grabbing my arm. "It's too risky."

"Ominis, honey if there's something in there that's gonna help us find Sebastian then we need to know." I frowned and folded my arms, even though he couldn't see.

He may not have seen it but I knew he felt it. "I get that you want to be a savior here, but something doesn't feel right to me."

"I don't know what you mea-" I started to speak but then a bright strike of red was headed towards us so I moved us out of the way.

"Lucan! What was that for?" I yelled questioning the boy who caused the shot.

Lucan, followed by the rest of our group ran up towards us. "Sorry, an Inferius was crawling up towards you. I had to protect you guys." He commented.

"That's very nice of you Lucan. Thank you." Oninis replied.

"So what's the problem now?" Garreth asked, looking to me for an answer.

"Ominis says that something about this doesn't feel right." I said to the group.

"What's wrong Ominis? Scared that once she finds her little boyfriend she's gonna run back to him? Leave you in the dirt?" Leander taunts.

"What?" Ominis asked, now threatened.

"That's what she did to me. Way before you. We were going on dates, then she got closer to Sallow and dumped me for him."

"You filthy, dirty, disgusting little liar!" Ominis shouted at the taller redhead.

"All true, actually. Why don't you tell him?" Leander spoke to me, in a very cocky tone.

"Leander we never dated, we never hung out one on one! You and I never got together and you know that!" I shouted pointing my wand to the boy.

"Woah!" Shouted one of the Hufflepuff boys.

"Calm down there woman!" Shouted the other.

"SHES THREATENING ANOTHER STUDENT WITH HER WAND IM LEAVING!" Duncan screamed as he ran off, far away from Feldcroft.

"Shit." I say once I realize what I have done. "I apologize, Leander. I shouldn't have did what I did. I'm just so stressed out about trying to find our friend. Headmaster Black out all this heavy pressure on it..." I say apologizing to the boy.

"It's alright, I was just trying to make light of a situation."

"So just to be clear you guys never went out?" Asked the second Hufflepuff boy.

"Never. Leander was only trying to make light of a difficult and dark situation." I chuckled. "I don't think it was the funniest or brightest way of doing it but it certainly did."

"Uh, where's Ominis going?" Garreth asked pointing out Ominis was now getting closer to the house.

I ran to him. "Ominis wait! Wait up! Ominis!" I shouted.

I finally caught up with the boy, stopping him by his arm. "Ominis where were you leaving to?" I asked.

"I didn't want to hear a word Leander said." He scoffed. "Besides it's probably true."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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