Chapter Four: Game Of Life

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~time skip to lake house~

We finally settled in at Samantha's lake house.

To recap it's myself, Samantha, Poppy, Imelda, Lenora, Charlotte and Cressida who came to enjoy the girls trip.

"Samantha, you really have a beautiful lake house! The decor is just so 'Ravenclaw Coded'." Lenora commented on Samantha's choice of house decor.

"Thanks Lenora! I really tried to make this represent me and how I am!" She says with a warm smile. "I don't believe any of you girls have been here before, have you?"

Every one of us shook their heads no. "Wonderful, let me take you girls down to the game basement and then I'll get refreshments!"

"Game basement?" Charlotte asked.

"She's taking us to her basement to kills us!" Imelda joked.

"Yeah I'm totally going to kill you guys!" Samantha laughed. "Joking of course! But yes Charlotte, game basement."

"What's a game basement?" Poppy asked.

"Poppy do you have to be so...unwise?" Cressida asked to the Hufflepuff girl.

Samantha opens the basement door and we all follow her down.

"Cressida do you have to be so....rude?" I chimed in. "I can understand Slytherins because it's in their nature...but a Gryffindor like you?"

"Oh come on! I was just trying to make sure Poppy was up to date on her basic knowledge!"

I really hate this girl.

"Cressida, for your information I am pretty smart!" Poppy snapped back.

"Oh yeah? In beasts maybe! But not Muggle Artifacts!"

Everyone sighed. "Let me just explain!" Samantha cut off the yelling. "A game basement is exactly what you think. It's a basement where I play my games. They are mainly muggle games that I was taught how to play to fit in with the other kids..."

"Like what kind of games?" Poppy asked.

"Well some of my favorites are Life, Twister and Monopoly." Samantha smiled.

"Those sound extremely fun Samantha!" I exclaimed.

"How do you play them?" Charlotte asked.

"Well Life, it's a game of life. You start off by choosing whether you want a college path, or jump start into a career and you get to pick the career! You get married, have kids, earn money, buy houses! Everything that you do in both muggle and wizard world, except in a game! I think it's really fun because you can kind of go along playing and be, what if this is my life in the future."

"So it gets you thinking?" Cressida asked.

"Exactly!" Samantha smiled

"I think we should play that!" Imelda exclaims.

"Alright, let me go get the pumpkin juice and we can start!"

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