Chapter 8: Rookwood

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~still author pov~

"Ominis, where are you dragging me?" The girl called as the boy led the two of them where he had just come from.

He stopped in the middle of the square, a frail woman and her granddaughter sat on the bench.

"This woman, is Miss Thistlebrandt. This is her granddaughter Anya. They claim to have seen Sebastian yesterday in the square." He told her.

"That's correct ma'am!" Anya spoke up. "He left with a man in a top hat."

"Could either of you describe this mystery man?" The young witch asked bending down to the child's level.

"He had dark facial hair. He wasn't older like my granny.." she said kicking her legs back and forth.

"Hmm. That doesn't sound like Solomon." The girl frowned.

"He had a weird name.." the small child added.

"Yes. I believe...Wooden something...." Miss Thistlebrandt hummed.

"Wooden...wait. Rookwood? Victor Rookwood?" Ominis asked the elder.

"Yes sir! That would be it!"

~main pov~

"Why would Sebastian leave with Rookwood? He's the enemy!" I asked and both scolded at the same time even tho Seb wasn't present to scold.

"I have no clue, but what does Rookwood want with Sebastian?" Ominis asked.

"That's strange.." I sighed. Ominis and I thanked the elderly woman and her granddaughter as we turned and walked away.

"Are you worried about him?" Ominis asked as we exited the North Region of Hogsmeade.

"Well of course I am, he's still our friend Ominis!" I merely stopped in my tracks.

"I don't know. Something just isn't sitting right with me about all of this."

"Just forget it, Omi. We need to find Rookwood, because if we find him we find our friend."

"Fine, but we'll need some help. Fighting off just Rookwood should be easy, but with his's a challenge."

"Good idea. Let's meet at the Quidditch Field in an hour. Gather whoever you can to help...we're going to save our friend."

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